PHP code example of qcod / laravel-imageup

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download qcod/laravel-imageup library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


qcod / laravel-imageup example snippets


namespace App;

use QCod\ImageUp\HasImageUploads;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model {
    use HasImageUploads;
    // assuming `users` table has 'cover', 'avatar' columns
    // mark all the columns as image fields 
    protected static $imageFields = [
        'cover', 'avatar'

namespace App;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class UserController extends Controller {
    public function store(Request $request){
        return User::create($request->all());

namespace App;

use QCod\ImageUp\HasImageUploads;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model {
    use HasImageUploads;
    // which disk to use for upload, can be override by field options 
    protected $imagesUploadDisk = 'local';
    // path in disk to use for upload, can be override by field options 
    protected $imagesUploadPath = 'uploads';
    // auto upload allowed 
    protected $autoUploadImages = true;
    // all the images fields for model
    protected static $imageFields = [
        'avatar' => [
            // width to resize image after upload
            'width' => 200,
            // height to resize image after upload
            'height' => 100,
            // set true to crop image with the given width/height and you can also pass arr [x,y] coordinate for crop.
            'crop' => true,
            // what disk you want to upload, default config('imageup.upload_disk')
            'disk' => 'public',
            // a folder path on the above disk, default config('imageup.upload_directory')
            'path' => 'avatars',
            // placeholder image if image field is empty
            'placeholder' => '/images/avatar-placeholder.svg',
            // validation rules when uploading image
            'rules' => 'image|max:2000',
            // override global auto upload setting coming from config('imageup.auto_upload_images')
            'auto_upload' => false,
            // if request file is don't have same name, default will be the field name
            'file_input' => 'photo',
            // if field (here "avatar") don't exist in database or you wan't this field in database
            'update_database' => false,
            // a hook that is triggered before the image is saved
            'before_save' => BlurFilter::class,
            // a hook that is triggered after the image is saved
            'after_save' => CreateWatermarkImage::class
        'cover' => [
    // any other than image file type for upload
    protected static $fileFields = [
            'resume' => [
                // what disk you want to upload, default config('imageup.upload_disk')
                'disk' => 'public',
                // a folder path on the above disk, default config('imageup.upload_directory')
                'path' => 'docs',
                // validation rules when uploading file
                'rules' => 'mimes:doc,pdf,docx|max:1000',
                // override global auto upload setting coming from config('imageup.auto_upload_images')
                'auto_upload' => false,
                // if request file is don't have same name, default will be the field name
                'file_input' => 'cv',
                // a hook that is triggered before the file is saved
                'before_save' => HookForBeforeSave::class,
                // a hook that is triggered after the file is saved
                'after_save' => HookForAfterSave::class
            'cover_letter' => [

class User extends Model {
    use HasImageUploads;
    // assuming `users` table has 'cover', 'avatar' columns
    // mark all the columns as image fields 
    protected static $imageFields = [
        'cover', 'avatar'
    // override cover file name
    protected function coverUploadFilePath($file) {
        return $this->id . '-cover-image.jpg';

    // override cover file name
    protected function coverUploadFilePath($file) {
        return $this->id .'-'. $file->getClientOriginalName();
    /** Some of methods on file */
    // $file->getClientOriginalExtension()
    // $file->getRealPath()
    // $file->getSize()
    // $file->getMimeType()

$user = User::findOrFail($id);
$user->uploadImage(request()->file('cover'), 'cover');
$user->uploadFile(request()->file('resume'), 'resume');

$user = User::findOrFail($id);

$fieldOptions = [
    'cover' => [ 'width' => 1000 ],
    'avatar' => [ 'width' => 120, 'crop' => true ],    

// override image fields defined on  model 

$fileFieldOption = [
    'resume' => ['path' => 'resumes']

// override file fields defined on  model

$user = User::findOrFail($id);

// resize image, it will give you resized image, you need to save it  
$imageFile = '/images/some-big-image.jpg';
$image = $user->resizeImage($imageFile, [ 'width' => 120, 'crop' => true ]);

// or you can use uploaded file
$imageFile = request()->file('avatar');
$image = $user->resizeImage($imageFile, [ 'width' => 120, 'crop' => true ]);

$user = User::findOrFail($id);

// uploaded file from request
$imageFile = request()->file('avatar');

// coordinates from request
$coords = request()->only(['crop_x', 'crop_y']);

// resizing will give you intervention image back
$image = $user->cropTo($coords)
    ->resizeImage($imageFile, [ 'width' => 120, 'crop' => true ]);

// or you can do upload and resize like this, it will override field options crop setting
    ->uploadImage(request()->file('cover'), 'avatar');

$user = User::findOrFail($id);

// in your view 
<img src="{{ $user->imageUrl('cover') }}" alt="" />

protected static $imageFields = [
    'avatar' => [
        'before_save' => BlurFilter::class,
    'cover' => [

class BlurFilter {
    public function handle($image) {

    'avatar' => [
        'before_save' => function($image) {
    'cover' => [

    'avatar' => [
        'width' => 100,
        'height' => 100,
        'before_save' => function($image) {
            // The image will be 50 * 50, this will override the 100 * 100 
            $image->resize(50, 50);

    'logo' => [
        'after_save' => function($image) {
            // Create a watermark image and save it

return [

     * Default upload storage disk
    'upload_disk' => 'public',

     * Default Image upload directory on the disc
     * eg. 'uploads' or 'user/avatar'
    'upload_directory' => 'uploads',

     * Auto upload images from incoming Request if same named field or
     * file_input field on option present upon model update and create.
     * can be override in individual field options
    'auto_upload_images' => true,

     * It will auto delete images once record is deleted from database
    'auto_delete_images' => true,

     * Set an image quality
    'resize_image_quality' => 80
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="QCod\ImageUp\ImageUpServiceProvider" --tag="config"