PHP code example of qcloudsms / qcloudsms_php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download qcloudsms/qcloudsms_php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


qcloudsms / qcloudsms_php example snippets

// 短信应用SDK AppID
$appid = 1400009099; // 1400开头

// 短信应用SDK AppKey
$appkey = "9ff91d87c2cd7cd0ea762f141975d1df37481d48700d70ac37470aefc60f9bad";

// 需要发送短信的手机号码
$phoneNumbers = ["21212313123", "12345678902", "12345678903"];

// 短信模板ID,需要在短信应用中申请
$templateId = 7839;  // NOTE: 这里的模板ID`7839`只是一个示例,真实的模板ID需要在短信控制台中申请

$smsSign = "腾讯云"; // NOTE: 这里的签名只是示例,请使用真实的已申请的签名,签名参数使用的是`签名内容`,而不是`签名ID`

use Qcloud\Sms\SmsSingleSender;

try {
    $ssender = new SmsSingleSender($appid, $appkey);
    $params = ["5678"];
    $result = $ssender->sendWithParam("86", $phoneNumbers[0], $templateId,
        $params, $smsSign, "", "");  // 签名参数不能为空串
    $rsp = json_decode($result);
    echo $result;
} catch(\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);

use Qcloud\Sms\SmsMultiSender;

try {
    $msender = new SmsMultiSender($appid, $appkey);
    $params = ["5678"];
    $result = $msender->sendWithParam("86", $phoneNumbers,
        $templateId, $params, $smsSign, "", "");  // 签名参数不能为空串
    $rsp = json_decode($result);
    echo $result;
} catch(\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);

use Qcloud\Sms\SmsVoiceVerifyCodeSender;

try {
    $vvcsender = new SmsVoiceVerifyCodeSender($appid, $appkey);
    $result = $vvcsender->send("86", $phoneNumbers[0], "5678");
    $rsp = json_decode($result);
    echo $result;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);

use Qcloud\Sms\SmsVoicePromptSender;

try {
    $vpsender = new SmsVoicePromptSender($appid, $appkey);
    $result = $vpsender->send("86", $phoneNumbers[0], 2, "5678");
    $rsp = json_decode($result);
    echo $result;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);

use Qcloud\Sms\SmsStatusPuller;

try {
    $sspuller = new SmsStatusPuller($appid, $appkey);

    // 拉取短信回执
    $callbackResult = $spuller->pullCallback(10);
    $callbackRsp = json_decode($callbackResult);
    echo $callbackResult;

    // 拉取回复
    $replyResult = $spuller->pullReply(10);
    $replyRsp = json_decode($replyResult);
    echo $replyResult;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);

use Qcloud\Sms\SmsMobileStatusPuller;

try {
    $beginTime = 1511125600;  // 开始时间(unix timestamp)
    $endTime = 1511841600;    // 结束时间(unix timestamp)
    $maxNum = 10;             // 单次拉取最大量
    $mspuller = new SmsMobileStatusPuller($appid, $appkey);

    // 拉取短信回执
    $callbackResult = $mspuller->pullCallback("86", $phoneNumbers[0],
        $beginTime, $endTime, $maxNum);
    $callbackRsp = json_decode($callbackResult);
    echo $callbackResult;

    // 拉取回复
    $replyResult = $mspuller->pullReply("86", $phoneNumbers[0],
        $beginTime, $endTime, $maxNum);
    $replyRsp = json_decode($replyResult);
    echo $replyResult;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);

use Qcloud\Sms\VoiceFileUploader;

try {
    // Note: 语音文件大小上传限制400K字节
    $filepath = "path/to/example.mp3";
    $fileContent = file_get_contents($filepath);
    if ($fileContent == false) {
        throw new \Exception("can not read file " . $filepath);

    $contentType = VoiceFileUploader::MP3;
    $uploader = new VoiceFileUploader($appid, $appkey);
    $result = $uploader->upload($fileContent, $contentType);
    // 上传成功后,$rsp里会带有语音文件的fid
    $rsp = json_decode($result);
    echo $result;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);

use Qcloud\Sms\FileVoiceSender;

try {
    // Note:这里$fid来自`上传语音文件`接口返回的响应,要按语音
    //    文件fid发送语音通知,需要先上传语音文件获取$fid
    $fid = "73844bb649ca38f37e596ec2781ce6a56a2a3a1b.mp3";
    $fvsender = new FileVoiceSender($appid, $appkey);
    $result = $fvsender->send("86", $phoneNumbers[0], $fid);
    $rsp = json_decode($result);
    echo $result;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);

use Qcloud\Sms\TtsVoiceSender;

try {
    $templateId = 1013;
    $params = ["54321"];
    $tvsender = new TtsVoiceSender($appid, $appkey);
    $result = $tvsender->send("86", $phoneNumbers[0], $templateId, $params);
    $rsp = json_decode($result);
    echo $result;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo var_dump($e);
  "oudsms/qcloudsms_php": "0.1.*"