PHP code example of qaamgo / onlineconvert-api-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download qaamgo/onlineconvert-api-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


qaamgo / onlineconvert-api-sdk example snippets

$config = new \OnlineConvert\Configuration();
$config->setApiKey('main', 'HERE YOUR API KEY');
$client = new \OnlineConvert\Client\OnlineConvertClient($config, 'main');
$syncApi = new \OnlineConvert\Api($client);
$asyncApi = new \OnlineConvert\Api($client, true);

$syncJob = [
	'input' => [
		'type' => \OnlineConvert\Endpoint\InputEndpoint::INPUT_TYPE_UPLOAD,
		'source' => '~/example.png'
		'type' => \OnlineConvert\Endpoint\InputEndpoint::INPUT_TYPE_REMOTE,
		'source' => ''
	'conversion' => [
		'target' => 'png'
		'target' => 'mp4'

$asyncJob = [
	'input' => [
		'type' => \OnlineConvert\Endpoint\InputEndpoint::INPUT_TYPE_UPLOAD,
		'source' => '~/example.png'	            ],
		'type' => \OnlineConvert\Endpoint\InputEndpoint::INPUT_TYPE_REMOTE,
		'source' => ''
	'conversion' => [
		'target' => 'png'
		'target' => 'mp4'
	'callback' => ''

$syncJob = $syncApi->postFullJob($syncJob)->getJobCreated();
$asyncJob = $asyncApi->postFullJob($asyncJob)->getJobCreated();

var_dump($syncJob, $asyncJob);

\OnlineConvert\Client\OnlineConvertClient->generateUrl(\OnlineConvert\Endpoint\Resources::URL_POST_FILE, ['server' => $server, 'job_id' => $jobId])

    $config = new \OnlineConvert\Configuration();
    $client = new \OnlineConvert\Client\OnlineConvertClient($config);
    $syncApi = new \OnlineConvert\Api($client);

    $ep = $syncApi->getJobsEndpoint();

    //Option 1
    $ep->getClient()->setHeader(\OnlineConvert\Client\Interfaced::HEADER_OC_API_KEY, 'YOUR API KEY');

    //Option 2
    //$client->setHeader(\OnlineConvert\Client\Interfaced::HEADER_OC_API_KEY, 'YOUR API KEY');

    $job = $ep->postJob([]);

    $ip = $syncApi->getInputEndpoint();

    //OPTION 1
    $input = $ip->setUserToken($a['token'])->postJobInputRemote('', $a['id']);

    //Option 2 (Apply also the previous options to set a header)
    //$ip->getClient()->setHeader(\OnlineConvert\Client\Interfaced::HEADER_OC_JOB_TOKEN, $a['token']);
    //$b = $ip->postJobInputRemote('', $a['id']);

    var_dump($job, $input);