PHP code example of pyrsmk / olive

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pyrsmk/olive library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pyrsmk / olive example snippets

// Create a connection to a database on localhost using default 27017 port
$olive=new Olive\Mongodb('my_database', array(
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'blahblahblah'

// Create a connection to (you can easily add more hosts if you want)
$olive=new Olive\Mongodb('my_database', array(
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'blahblahblah',
    'hosts' => array(
        '' => 67095

// Create a connection on localhost ('host' option is optional)
$olive=new Olive\Mysql('my_database', array(
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'blahblahblah',
    'host' => 'localhost'

// Create a simple connection with SQLite3
$olive=new Olive\Sqlite('path/to/database.db');

// Create a connection with SQLite2
$olive=new Olive\Sqlite('path/to/database.db', array(
    'sqlite2' => true

$olive = new Olive\MariaDB('my_database', $options);

// Get the users table
$container = $olive->users;

$container = $olive['some_weird#table;name'];

$container = $olive->my_app_users;

// Set the global namespace
// Get the global namespace


// Insert data
$new_id = $olive->people->insert(array(
    'firstname' => 'John',
    'lastname' => 'Doe',
    'age' => 52

// Update data
      ->search('_id', 'is', $new_id)
            'firstname' => 'John',
            'lastname' => 'Doe',
            'age' => 52

// Save data
    '_id' => 123,
    'firstname' => 'John',
    'lastname' => 'Doe',
    'age' => 52

// Remove data
      ->search('_id', 'is', $new_id)

$ids = array(14, 51, 20, 18);

// Search for articles with an ID that is not in the $ids array
      ->search('_id', 'not in', $ids)

// Get all articles

// Get the title of the article with the 72 ID
             ->search('_id', 'is', 72)

// Get articles written by '@pyrsmk'
$olive->articles->find('author_id', 'is', '@pyrsmk');
// Get one article
$olive->articles->findOne('_id', 'is', 10);
// Get the first field of the requested article
$olive->articles->findFirst('_id', 'is', 10);

// Let's get admins less older than 50 yo
             ->search('group', 'is', 'admins')
             ->search('age', 'less', '50')

$olive->articles->search('author_id', 'is', '@pyrsmk')
                ->orSearch('author_id', 'is', '@dreamysource')
                ->orSearch('author_id', 'is', '@4lbl');

$query = $olive->my_table

foreach($data as $name => $value) {
	$query->search($name, 'is', $value);

$results = $query->fetch();

// Get title, text, author and date fields
$article = $olive->articles
                 ->search('_id', 'is', 72)

// The second parameter of select() is the alias
$item = $olive->items
              ->search('iditem', 'is', 72)
              ->select('iditem', '_id')
              ->select('text', 'french')
              ->select('title', 'h1')

$results = $olive->categories
		 ->search('root.idparent', 'is', $id)
		 ->from('categories', 'root')
		 ->from('categories', 'subcategories')
		 ->join('root.idparent', 'subcategories.idcat')
		 ->join('subcategories.idcat', 'items.idcat')
		 ->select('subcategories.idcat', '_id')
		 ->join('items.idimg', 'images.idimg')
		 ->select('images.uriimg', 'image')

// Get articles from two weeks ago, with the author name
      ->search('date', 'greater', time() - 1209600)
      ->join('articles.author_id', '')
      ->select('', 'author')

      ->sort('date', 'desc')

// Get the 10 newest articles
      ->sort('date', 'desc')

// Get articles for the page 3
      ->sort('date', 'desc')

      ->search('date', 'greater', time() - 1209600)

class MyUsersModel extends Olive\Model{
    // 'singular' and 'plural' properties are used in calls (see the method below)
    protected $singular='user';
    protected $plural='users';
    // Define the data container name (AKA table or collection name)
    protected $data_container='users';
    // Define the primary key name
    protected $primary_key='_id';

// Remove any user with their email and name fields set to '[email protected]' and 'Thomas' respectively
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'name' => 'Thomas'

// Get an user with the following fields : '_id', 'email', 'date' (alias of 'user_creation') and 'text' (alias of 'profile_text')
    'user_creation' => 'date'
    'profile_text' => 'text'

// Get table/collection names
$names = $olive->getDataContainerNames();

// Get database object (like PDO, MongoClient, ...)
$driver = $olive->getDriver();

// Verify adapter support
if(Olive\Mysql::isSupported()) {
	// MySQL is currently supported in the PHP environment