PHP code example of pyrsmk / lumy

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pyrsmk/lumy library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pyrsmk / lumy example snippets

$lumy=new Lumy\Http;

// Add a middleware to configure our template engine (with [Twig](
$lumy->middleware(function($middlewares) use($lumy){
    $lumy['twig']=new Twig_Environment(
        new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($lumy['dirs']['templates']),

// Add a basic route that do nothing but display our index page
$lumy->get('/',function() use($lumy){
    // Provide a rooturi variable to the template is really useful for CSS, images, scripts inclusion
    echo $lumy['twig']->render('index.tpl',array(
        'rooturi' => $lumy['environment']->getRootUri()

// Specify an error handler, throwed when an exception has been catched
$lumy->error(function($e) use($lumy){
    echo $lumy['twig']->render('error.tpl',array(
        'rooturi' => $lumy['environment']->getRootUri(),
        'message' => $e->getMessage()

// Run the application and print the response body
echo $lumy->run();


    // Will print 'Some help' when the 'your_app --help' command is called
    echo 'Some help';

    echo 'Some help';

$lumy->route('install {directory}',function($directory){
    // Some actions

$lumy->route('remove user {id}',function($id){
    // Some actions
    'directory' => '\d+'

// The 'show' command will show tables by default
$lumy->route('show {arg}',function($arg){
    // Some actions
    'arg' => 'databases|tables'
    'arg' => 'tables'

    // Display the gallery

    // Add a new picture

    // Delete the specified picture

    // Display the gallery

    // Show the requested user profile
    'user' => '\w+'

// Name the route to register
    // Some actions

// ...

// Assemble an URL to 

// Define the 'session' closure
    return new Session();
// Set the closure as a service

// The Session object is ready

    // Define our session service
        return new Session();
    // Call the next middleware
    // Clean up session when the application has been runned

    // Print the encountered error
    echo $exception->getMessage();


// The user will freely access to the files in images/, uploads/ and config/

// But he won't access to sensible data

// Add a 'gallery' route
    // Some actions

echo $lumy->run();