1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pyrowman/pheanstalk library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
pyrowman / pheanstalk example snippets
// Hopefully you're using Composer autoloading.
use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk;
$pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk('', 'admin', 'admin');
// Create a simple Worflow with one job inside
$workflow = $pheanstalk->createTask('Sleep', 'Test', '/bin/sleep 80');
// Put the job into instance execution
// ----------------------------------------
// check server availability
$pheanstalk->getConnection()->isServiceListening(); // true or false
// Add a scheduler for the job (by default in continous)
$workflowSchedule = $pheanstalk->createSchedule($workflow, new TimeSchedule());
// Edit a workflow
$workflow->setGroup('2nd test group');
// Getting infos on the execution of a workflow
$workflowInstancesExecuting = $pheanstalk->getWorkflowInstances($workflow, GetWorkflowInstancesCommand::FILTER_EXECUTING);
$workflowInstancesTerminated = $pheanstalk->getWorkflowInstances($workflow, GetWorkflowInstancesCommand::FILTER_TERMINATED);
// Delete a job
if ($workflow = $pheanstalk->workflowExists('Sleep'))
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