PHP code example of pwm / s-flow

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pwm/s-flow library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pwm / s-flow example snippets

// S, E and T are short for State, Event and Transition

// A list of state names that identify the states
$stateNames = [

// A list of arrows labelled by event names
// An arrow goes from a start state via a transition to an end state
$arrows = [
    (new Arrow(E\Select::name()))->from(S\NoItems::name())->via(new T\AddFirstItem),
    (new Arrow(E\Select::name()))->from(S\HasItems::name())->via(new T\AddItem),
    (new Arrow(E\Checkout::name()))->from(S\HasItems::name())->via(new T\DoCheckout),
    (new Arrow(E\SelectCard::name()))->from(S\NoCard::name())->via(new T\DoSelectCard),
    (new Arrow(E\Confirm::name()))->from(S\CardSelected::name())->via(new T\ConfirmCard),
    (new Arrow(E\PlaceOrder::name()))->from(S\CardConfirmed::name())->via(new T\DoPlaceOrder),
    (new Arrow(E\Cancel::name()))->from(S\NoCard::name())->via(new T\DoCancel),
    (new Arrow(E\Cancel::name()))->from(S\CardSelected::name())->via(new T\DoCancel),
    (new Arrow(E\Cancel::name()))->from(S\CardConfirmed::name())->via(new T\DoCancel),

// Build a graph from the above
$graph = (new Graph(...$stateNames))->drawArrows(...$arrows);

// Build an FSM using the graph
$shoppingCartFSM = new FSM($graph);

// Run a simulation of purchasing 3 items
$result = $shoppingCartFSM->run(
    new S\NoItems,
    new Events(
        new E\Select(new Item('foo')),
        new E\Select(new Item('bar')),
        new E\Select(new Item('baz')),
        new E\Checkout,
        new E\SelectCard(new Card('Visa', '1234567812345678')),
        new E\Confirm,
        new E\PlaceOrder

// Observe the results
assert($result->isSuccess() === true);
assert($result->getState() instanceof S\OrderPlaced);
assert($result->getLastEvent() instanceof E\PlaceOrder);