PHP code example of purpleharmonie / cache

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download purpleharmonie/cache library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


purpleharmonie / cache example snippets

use Purple\Libs\Cache\Factory\PurpleCacheFactory;

$redisCache = PurpleCacheFactory::createCache('redis', [
    'redis' => ['host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 6379],
    'defaultTtl' => 7200,
    'maxSize' => 1000,
    'evictionPolicy' => 'LFU'

$fileCache = PurpleCacheFactory::createCache('file', [
    'cacheDir' => '/path/to/cache',
    'defaultTtl' => 3600,
    'maxSize' => 500,
    'evictionPolicy' => 'LRU'

$memoryCache = PurpleCacheFactory::createCache('memory', [
    'defaultTtl' => 1800,
    'maxSize' => 200,
    'evictionPolicy' => 'LFU'

public function __construct(string $cacheDir, int $defaultTtl = 3600, int $maxSize = 100, string $evictionPolicy = 'LRU')

$metrics = $fileCache->getMetrics();
echo "Hit Count: " . $metrics['hitCount'] . "\n";
echo "Miss Count: " . $metrics['missCount'] . "\n";
echo "Hit Ratio: " . $metrics['hitRatio'] . "\n";
echo "Item Count: " . $metrics['itemCount'] . "\n";