PHP code example of ptrofimov / zeroevents
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ptrofimov/zeroevents library. Choose the download type require. 2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php. 3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
ptrofimov / zeroevents example snippets
Event::listen('*', new EventListener(['connect' => 'ipc://my.ipc']));
Event::listen('*', function () {
echo 'Catched event:', Event::firing(), PHP_EOL;
(new EventService)
->listen(new EventListener(['bind' => 'ipc://my.ipc']))
use ZeroEvents\EventSocket;
$socket = new EventSocket(new ZMQContext, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH);
Event::listen('zeroevents.push.error', function () {
// logging or something else
$socket->push('event', ['payload']);
Event::listen('*', new EventListener('my.socket.config.key'));
$options = [
'example.connection' => [
* Number of io-threads in context, default = 1
'threads' => 1,
* Persistent context is stored over multiple requests, default = false
'is_persistent' => false,
* Socket type
* Full list of available types
* Description of sockets
'socket_type' => ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH,
* Default options for ZeroMQ socket
'socket_options' => [
ZMQ::SOCKOPT_LINGER => 2000, // wait before disconnect (ms)
ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SNDTIMEO => 2000, // send message timeout (ms)
ZMQ::SOCKOPT_RCVTIMEO => 2000, // receive message timeout (ms)
* Addresses to bind. Only one process can bind address
* About available transports (inproc, ipc, tcp)
'bind' => [
* Addresses of sockets, the same time can be connected multiple addresses
* About available transports (inproc, ipc, tcp)
'connect' => [
* Type of events to subscribe. Events masks (*) are not here supported.
* Only useful for SOCKET_SUB socket type
'subscribe' => '',
* Send/wait confirmation after sending/receiving message
'confirmed' => false,
* Serializer Interface through which message payload is serialized before sending
'serializer' => 'ZeroEvents\Serializers\JsonSerializer'
(new EventService)
->listen(new EventListener(['connect' => 'ipc://first.ipc']))
->listen(new EventListener(['connect' => 'ipc://second.ipc']))