PHP code example of ptlis / shell-command

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ptlis/shell-command library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ptlis / shell-command example snippets

use ptlis\ShellCommand\CommandBuilder;

$builder = new CommandBuilder();

use ptlis\ShellCommand\CommandBuilder;
use ptlis\ShellCommand\UnixEnvironment;

$builder = new CommandBuilder(new UnixEnvironment());

$command = $builder

$builder->setCommand('git')             // Executable in $PATH
$builder->setCommand('./local/bin/git') // Relative to current working directory
$builder->setCommand('/usr/bin/git')    // Fully qualified path

$build->setCommand('~/')      // Path relative to $HOME

    ->setTimeout(30 * 1000 * 1000)          // Wait 30 seconds

    ->setPollTimeout(30 * 1000 * 1000)          // Wait 30 seconds



    ->addArgument('--foo=bar', $myVar === 5)

        'if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb'

        'if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb'
    ], $myVar === 5)


    ->addRawArgument('--foo=bar', $myVar === 5)


        'if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb'
    ], $myVar === 5)

    ->addEnvironmentVariable('TEST_VARIABLE', '123')

    ->addEnvironmentVariable('TEST_VARIABLE', '123', $myVar === 5)

        'TEST_VARIABLE' => '123',
        'FOO' => 'bar'

        'TEST_VARIABLE' => '123',
        'FOO' => 'bar'
    ], $foo === 5)

        new AllLogger(
            new DiskLogger(),

$command = $builder
    // ...

$result = $command

$result->getExitCode();         // 0 for success, anything else conventionally indicates an error
$result->getStdOut();           // The contents of stdout (as a string)
$result->getStdOutLines();      // The contents of stdout (as an array of lines)
$result->getStdErr();           // The contents of stderr (as a string)
$result->getStdErrLines();      // The contents of stderr (as an array of lines)
$result->getExecutedCommand();  // Get the executed command as a string, including environment variables
$result->getWorkingDirectory(); // Get the directory the command was executed in 

$process = $command->runAsynchronous();

if (!$process->isRunning()) {
    echo 'done' . PHP_EOL;




$stdOut = $process->readStream(ProcessInterface::STDOUT);

$process->writeInput('Data to pass to the running process via STDIN');

$exitCode = $process->getExitCode();


    $commandString = $process->getCommand();

$eventLoop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();

$promise = $command->runAsynchonous()->getPromise($eventLoop);
