PHP code example of psx / nested

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download psx/nested library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


psx / nested example snippets

$connection = null; // a doctrine DBAL connection
$builder = new \PSX\Nested\Builder($connection);

$definition = [
    'totalResults' => $builder->doValue('SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM psx_sql_provider_news', [], $builder->fieldInteger('cnt')),
    'entries' => $builder->doCollection('SELECT * FROM psx_sql_provider_news ORDER BY id DESC', [], [
        'id' => $builder->fieldInteger('id'),
        'title' => $builder->fieldCallback('title', function($title){
            return ucfirst($title);
        'author' => $builder->doEntity('SELECT * FROM psx_sql_provider_author WHERE id = ?', [new Reference('author_id')], [
            'id' => $builder->fieldFormat('id', 'urn:profile:%s'),
            'name' => 'name',
            'uri' => 'uri',
        'tags' => $builder->doColumn('SELECT title FROM psx_sql_provider_news', [], 'title'),
        'date' => $builder->fieldDateTime('create_date'),

$result = $builder->build($definition);

echo \json_encode($result);

$json = '{}'; // JSON from above

$provider = new JsonProvider($this->connection);
$result = $provider->create(\json_decode($json));

echo \json_encode($result);

  "totalEntries": {
    "$value": "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM psx_sql_provider_news",
    "$definition": {
      "$key": "cnt",
      "$field": "integer"
  "entries": {
    "$collection": "SELECT id, author_id, title, create_date FROM psx_sql_provider_news ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT :startIndex, 8",
    "$params": {
      "startIndex": 0
    "$definition": {
      "id": {
        "$key": "id",
        "$field": "integer"
      "title": "title",
      "tags": {
        "$column": "SELECT title FROM psx_sql_provider_news",
        "$definition": "title"
      "author": {
        "$entity": "SELECT id, name, uri FROM psx_sql_provider_author WHERE id = :id",
        "$params": {
          "id": {
            "$ref": "author_id"
        "$definition": {
          "displayName": "name",
          "uri": "uri"