PHP code example of psx / api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download psx/api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


psx / api example snippets

class MyController
    public function getModel(int $id, int $year): \My\Response\Model
        // @TODO implement
    public function insertModel(\My\Request\Model $model): \My\Response\Model
        // @TODO implement

// use the API manager to obtain a specification from different sources
$manager = new \PSX\Api\ApiManager(new \PSX\Schema\SchemaManager());

// reads the TypeAPI specification and generates a specification
$specification = $manager->getApi('./typeapi.json');

// contains all schema type definitions
$definitions = $specification->getDefinitions();

// returns the resource foo from the specification
$operation = $specification->getOperations()->get('my.operation');

// returns all available arguments

// returns the return type

// returns all exceptions which are described

// returns the assigned HTTP method

// returns the assigned HTTP path

// creates a PHP client which consumes the defined operations
$registry = \PSX\Api\GeneratorFactory::fromLocal()->factory();
$generator = $registry->getGenerator(\PSX\Api\Repository\LocalRepository::CLIENT_PHP)

$source = $generator->generate($resource);