PHP code example of psecio / propauth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download psecio/propauth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


psecio / propauth example snippets

use \Psecio\PropAuth\Policy;

$enforcer = new Enforcer();
$myUser = (object)[
	'username' => 'ccornutt',
    'permissions' => ['test1'],
    'password' => password_hash('test1234', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)

$myPolicy = new Policy();

$result = $enforcer->evaluate($myUser, $myPolicy);
echo 'RESULT: '.var_export($result, true)."\n\n"; // result is true

// You can also chain the evaluations to make more complex policies
$myPolicy->hasUsername('ccornutt')->hasPermissions('test1'); // also true

// There's also a static method to help make the creation more concise
$myPolicy = Policy::instance()->hasUser('ccornutt')->hasPermissions('test1');

$myUser = (object)[
    'username' => 'ccornutt',
    'password' => password_hash('test1234', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)

$gate = new Gateway($myUser);
$subject = $gate->authenticate($password);

if ($subject !== false && $subject->can('policy1') === true) {
	echo 'They can, woo!';

class User
    public $permissions = [];
    public $username = ['user1', 'user2'];

class Perm
    public $name = '';
    protected $value = '';
    public $tests = [];

    public function __construct($name, $value)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->value = $value;
    public function setTests(array $tests)
        $this->tests = $tests;

    public function getValue()
        return $this->value;
class Test
    public $title;
    public $foo = [];

    public function __construct($title)
        $this->title = $title;
    public function setFoos(array $foo)
        $this->foo = $foo;
class Foo
    public $test;

    public function __construct($test)
        $this->test = $test;

$policies = PolicySet::instance()
    ->add('test', Policy::instance()->find('')->hasTest('t3'));

$policy = new Policy();


// Check to see if the permission is in a set
$user = new User([
	'permissions' => ['test1', 'test2']

// Check to see if any permissions match
$policy->hasPermissions(['test3', 'test2', 'test5'], Policy::ANY);

// Check to see that the permissions match exactly
$policy->hasPermissions(['test1', 'test2'], Policy::ALL);


// Check to see if the permission is NOT in the set

// Check to see if NONE of the permissions match
$policy->notPermissions(['test3', 'test5', 'test6'], Policy::ANY);

// Check to see if the permissions are NOT equal
$policy->notPermissions(['test4', 'test5'], Policy::ALL);

// Make a user
$myUser = (object)[
	'username' => 'ccornutt',
	'permissions' => ['test1']

// Make a post
$post = (object)[
	'title' => 'This is a test post',
	'id' => 1

$myPolicy = new Policy();
    ->hasUsername(['ccornutt', 'ccornutt1'], Policy::ANY)
    ->can(function($subject, $post) {
		return ($post->id === 1);
    ->cannot(function($subject, $post) {
		return (strpos($post->title, 'foobar') === false);

$result = $enforcer->evaluate($myUser, $myPolicy, [ $post ]); // result is TRUE

$set = new PolicySet();

// Or, using the instance method
$set = new PolicySet()
	->add('edit-post', Policy::instance()->hasUsername('testuser1'));

$myUser = (object)[
	'username' => 'testuser1',
	'permissions' => ['test1']
$enforcer = new Enforcer($set);

if ($enforcer->allows('edit-post', $myUser) === true) {
	echo 'Hey, you can edit the post - rock on!';

$policy = Policy::instance()->can('\App\Foo::bar', [$post]);

namespace App;

class Foo
	public function foo($subject, $post)
		/* evaluation here, return boolean */

$dsl = 'hasUsername:ccornutt||notUsername:ccornutt1||hasPermissions:(test1,test2)[ANY]';
$myPolicy = Policy::load($dsl);

$myUser = (object)[
    'username' => 'ccornutt',
    'password' => password_hash('test1234', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)

$gate = new Gateway($myUser);
$subject = $gate->authenticate($password);

// Then we can check if the user is authenticated
echo 'Is authenticated? '.var_export($subject->isAuthed(), true)."\n";

$context = new Context([
	'policies' => [
		'policy1' => Policy::instance()->hasUsername('ccornutt')
$gate = new Gateway($myUser, $context);

// When we can call the "evaluate" method with the policies we want to check:
if ($gate->evaluate('policy1') === true) {
	echo 'Policy1 passes!';

// Or you can just add your own PolicySet instance and use "evaluate" the same way
$myPolicySet = new PolicySet()->add('edit-post', Policy::instance()->hasUsername('testuser1'));

$context = new Context([
	'policies' => $myPolicySet

$myUser = (object)[
    'username' => 'ccornutt',
    'password' => password_hash('test1234', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)

$context = new Context([
	'policies' => [
		'policy1' => Policy::instance()->hasUsername('ccornutt')

$gate = new Gateway($myUser, $context);
$subject = $gate->authenticate($password);

if ($subject !== false && $subject->can('policy1') === true) {
	echo 'They can, woo!';

$post = (object)[
	'author' => 'ccornutt'
$set = PolicySet::instance()->add(
    Policy::instance()->can(function($subject, $post) {
        return ($subject->username == 'ccornutt' && $post->author == 'ccornutt');
$context = new Context(['policies' => $set]);
$gate = new Gateway($myUser, $context);

$subject = $gate->authenticate('test1234');

if ($subject->can('delete', $post) === true) {
	echo 'They can delete it!';