PHP code example of ps / fluent-traversable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ps/fluent-traversable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ps / fluent-traversable example snippets

    $patients = array(...);
    $info = FluentTraversable::from($patients)
                ->partition(is::eq('sex', 'female'))
                    list($femalesCount, $malesCount) = $elements;
                    return $femalesCount / ($femalesCount + $malesCount) * 100;

    $books = array(/* some books */);
    $emails = array();
    foreach($books as $book) {
        if($book->getReleaseDate() < 2007) {
            $authors = $book->getAuthors();
            foreach($authors as $author) {
                if($author->getSex() == 'male' && $author->getEmail()) {
                    $emails[] = $author->getEmail();

    //some imports
    use FluentTraversable\FluentTraversable;
    use FluentTraversable\Semantics\is;
    use FluentTraversable\Semantics\get;

    $books = array(/* some books */);
    $emails = FluentTraversable::from($books)
        ->filter(is::lt('releaseDate', 2007))
        ->filter(is::eq('sex', 'male'))

        return $object->getAuthors();

>     FluentTraversable::from(array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B'))
>         ->map(function($value, $index){
>             return $value.$index;
>         })
>         ->toMap();
>         //result will be: array('a' => 'Aa', 'b' => 'Bb')

>     FluentTraversable::from(array('some', 'values'))
>         ->flatMap(func::unary('str_split'))
>         ->toArray();
>         //result will be: array('s', 'o', 'm', 'e', 'v', 'a', 'l', 'u', 'e')

        ->filter(...)//intermediate operation, so I can chain
        ->map(...)//intermediate operation, so I can chain
        ->size()//terminate operation, I cannot chain - it returns integer

        ->firstMatch(is::eq('', 'Stephen King'))
        //there is Option instance, you can transform value (thanks to map) if this value exists
            return 'Found book: '.$book->getTitle();
        //provide default value if book wasn't found
        ->orElse(Option::fromValue('Not found any book...'))
        //print result to stdout thanks to Option::map method
        //or you can call "->get()" and assign to variable, it is safe because you provided default value by "orElse"

        ->map(function(Book $book){

> Option::fromValue($patientId)
>   ->map([$patientRepo,'find'])
>   //there could be `Some(null)` value! 
>   ->map(get::value(''))
>   //there could be also `Some(null)` value, so `null` might be passed to `$this::callToDoctor`
>   ->each([$this,'callToDoctor']);

> Option::fromArrayValue($patientId)
>   ->flatMap(get::option([$patientRepo,'find']))
>   //when `$this::callToDoctor` return `null` there will be `None`
>   ->flatMap(get::option(''))
>   //when doctor has not phone set, there will be `None` value
>   ->each([$this,'callToDoctor']);

    $maxEvenPrinter = FluentComposer::forArray();

    //very important is, to not chain directly from `forArray()` method, first you should assign created object
    //to variable, and then using reference to object you can compose your function

            //only even numbers
            return $number % 2 === 0;
        //"max" (as same as firstMatch) returns Option, because there is possibility given array is empty
            return 'max even number: '.$value;
        ->orElse(Option::fromValue('max even number not found'))

    $maxEvenPrinter(array(1, 3, 5, 2, 4));
    //output will be: "max even number: 4"
    $maxEvenPrinter(array(1, 3, 5));
    //output will be: "max even number not found"

        $func = FluentComposer::forArray();
        $func-> /* some chaining methods */;
        $func(array('value1', 'value2', 'value3'));


        $func = FluentComposer::forVarargs();
        $func-> /* some chaining methods */;
        $func('value1', 'value2', 'value3');

        $func = FluentComposer::forValue();
        $func-> /* some chaining methods */;
        $func('value1', 'this value will be ignored')

    $patients = array(...);
    $info = FluentTraversable::from($patients)
        //we have multi-dimensional array, where key is bloodType, value is array of patients
            //we map array of patients for each blood type to percentage value, so lets compose a function
                //split array of patients into two arrays, first females, second males
                ->partition(is::eq('sex', 'female'))
                //map those arrays to its size, so we have number of females and males
                //calculate a percent
                    list($femalesCount, $malesCount) = $elements;
                    return $femalesCount / ($femalesCount + $malesCount) * 100;
        //get our result with index preserving 

>   ->map(
>       $f = FluentComposer::forArray(), $f
>            ->firstMatch(is::eq('name', 'Stefan'))
>            ->getOrElse('Not found')
>   )

    $doctors = array(/* some doctors */);

    $doctors = FluentTraversable::from($doctors)
                ->allMatch(is::eq('sex', 'female'))

        $gt25 = is::gt(25);    
        $gt25(26);//evaluates to true

        $ageGt25 = is::gt('age', 25);
        $gt25(array('age', 26));//evaluates to true

        $true = is::true();    
        $true(true);//evaluates to true

        $true = is::true('awesome');    
        $true(array('awesome' => true));//evaluates to true

    $alwaysFalse = is::allTrue(false, is::eq(25));
    $alwaysTrue = is::anyTrue(true, is::eq(25));

>     $doctors = array(...);
>     $doctors = FluentTraversable::from($doctors)
>         ->filter(is::lt(size::of('patients'), 5))
>         ->toArray();

    $book = ...;
    $puppet = Puppet::record()->getPublisher()->getName();
    echo $puppet($book);//$book->getPublisher()->getName() will be invoked