PHP code example of protoqol / prequel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download protoqol/prequel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


protoqol / prequel example snippets


        | Prequel Master Switch : boolean
        | Manually disable/enable Prequel, if in production Prequel will always be
        | disabled. Reason being that nobody should ever be able to directly look
        | inside your database besides you or your dev team (obviously).

        'enabled' => env('PREQUEL_ENABLED', true),

        | Prequel Locale : string
        | Choose what language Prequel should display in.

        'locale' => env('APP_LOCALE', 'en'),

        | Prequel Path
        | The path where Prequel will be residing. Note that this does not affect
        | Prequel API routes.

        'path' => 'prequel',

        | Prequel base url
        | When present, this URL will be used instead of the default url.
        | This should be a complete url excluding tailing slash.
        | Example: ''
        'baseUrl' => null,

        | Laravel asset generation suffix and namespace definition
        | Here you can define your preferred asset suffixes and directory/namespaces.
        | Separate with a double backwards slash to define namespace and directory
        | location. Everything after the last '\\' will be treated as a suffix.
        | Note that the backslash needs to be escaped with an extra backslash
        | For example
        |  Configuration
        |     'suffixes' => [
        |           'model'  => 'Models\\Model',
        |           'seeder' => 'MyMadeUpSeederSuffix'
        |       ]
        |  When generating for `users` table
        |     (directory) app/models/UserModel.php
        |     (qualified class) App\Models\UserModel
        |     (directory) database/seeds/UserMyMadeUpSeederSuffix.php

        'suffixes' => [
            'model'      => 'Models\\',
            'seeder'     => 'Seeder',
            'factory'    => 'Factory',
            'controller' => 'Controller',
            'resource'   => 'Resource',

        | Prequel Database Configuration : array
        | This enables you to fully configure your database connection for Prequel.

        'database' => [
            'connection' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql'),
            'host'       => env('DB_HOST', ''),
            'port'       => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),
            'database'   => env('DB_DATABASE', 'homestead'),
            'username'   => env('DB_USERNAME', 'homestead'),
            'password'   => env('DB_PASSWORD', 'secret'),
	    'socket' 	 => env('DB_SOCKET', ''),

        | Prequel ignored databases and tables : array
        | Databases and tables that will be ignored during database discovery.
        | Using 'mysql' => ['foo']  ignores only the table.
        | Using 'mysql' => ['*'] ignores the entire mysql database.

        'ignored' => [
            // 'information_schema'  => ['*'],
            // 'sys'                 => ['*'],
            // 'performance_schema'  => ['*'],
            // 'mysql'               => ['*'],
            '#mysql50#lost+found' => ['*'],

        | Prequel pagination per page : integer
        | When Prequel retrieves paginated information, this is the number of
        | records that will be in each page.

        'pagination' => 100,

        | Prequel middleware : array
        | Define custom middleware for Prequel to use.
        | Ex. 'web', Protoqol\Prequel\Http\Middleware\Authorised::class

        'middleware' => [

$ php artisan prequel:update