PHP code example of proklung / phpunit-testing-tools

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download proklung/phpunit-testing-tools library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


proklung / phpunit-testing-tools example snippets

use Prokl\TestingTools\Base\BaseTestCase;
use Prokl\TestingTools\Tools\Container\BuildContainer;

class ContainerAwareBaseTestCase extends BaseTestCase
     * @inheritDoc
     * @throws Exception
    protected function setUp(): void
        $this->container = static::$testContainer = BuildContainer::getTestContainer(
            [new SampleCompilerPass()], // Опциональный параметр - кастомные compiler passes,
            'dev', // Окружение. По умолчанию - dev
            true   // Debug. По умолчанию - true,
            ['service_to_mock'] // Сервисы, подлежащие мокингу (см. подраздел Моки сервисов)


use Prokl\TestingTools\Tools\ServiceMocker;
use Prokl\TestingTools\Base\BaseTestCase;

class MyTest extends BaseTestCase
    use RestoreServiceContainer;

        protected function setUp(): void
            $this->container = BuildContainer::getTestContainer(
                ['filesystem.local.adapter'] // Сервис, который будет заменен моком.

    public function testFoo()
        // For all calls
         ServiceMock::all($this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'), 'getAdapter', function () {
             return new Local(
                 $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .  '/test/');
         $result = $this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter');

        // For only the next call
         ServiceMock::next($this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'), 'getAdapter', function () {
             return new Local(
                 $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .  '/test/');
        // This will queue a new callable
         ServiceMock::next($this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'), 'getAdapter', function () {
             throw new \InvalidArgument('getAdapter can call once time!');

        $mock = // create a PHPUnit mock or any other mock you want.
        ServiceMocker::swap($this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'), $mock);

        // ...
         $service = $this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter');
         $result = $service->getAdapter(); // Метод сервиса (или сервис целиком) подменен.   

    protected function tearDown(): void
        // To make sure we don't affect other tests
        // You can 

use Prokl\TestingTools\Traits\BootTestKernelTrait;

class ExampleTest extends \Prokl\TestingTools\Base\BaseTestCase
    use BootTestKernelTrait;

    protected function setUp(): void

        $container = new ContainerBuilder();
        // ... Наполнение тестового контейнера.
        self::$kernel = $this->bootTestKernel($container);

        // Замокается полностью (т.е. не важно с какими параметрами пройдет вызов) функция in_the_loop 
            ->full('in_the_loop', true)

       // При вызове  get_cat_name с аргументом $this->idCategory вернет Mocked category
            ->partial('get_cat_name', 'Mocked category', $this->idCategory)
            ->partial('category_description', 'Mocked category description', $this->idCategory)

     * data()
     * @runInSeparateProcess
     * @preserveGlobalState disabled

$object = new ClassName();

$config = [
 'service_key' => ClassName::class,
 'service_key2' => $object,


use App\Command\CreateUserCommand;
use Prokl\TestingTools\Base\BaseTestCase;
use Prokl\TestingTools\Tools\Console\InteractsWithConsole;
use Prokl\TestingTools\Traits\BootTestKernelTrait;

class CreateUserCommandTest extends BaseTestCase
    use InteractsWithConsole;
    use BootTestKernelTrait;
    protected function setUp(): void

        $container = new ContainerBuilder();

            new Definition(IntegrityCheck::class, [])
        )->setTags(['console.command' => ['command' => 'module:еуые']])->setPublic(true);

        self::$kernel = $this->bootTestKernel($container);

        $this->cliApplication = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application(self::$kernel);
    public function test_can_create_user(): void
        $this->executeConsoleCommand('create:user kbond --admin --role=ROLE_EMPLOYEE --role=ROLE_MANAGER')
            ->assertSuccessful() // command exit code is 0
            ->assertOutputContains('Creating admin user "kbond"')
            ->assertOutputContains('with roles: ROLE_EMPLOYEE, ROLE_MANAGER')
            ->assertOutputNotContains('regular user')

        // advanced usage
        $this->consoleCommand(CreateUserCommand::class) // can use the command class or "name"
            ->splitOutputStreams() // by default stdout/stderr are combined, this options splits them
            ->addOption('--admin') // with or without "--" prefix
            ->addOption('role', ['ROLE_EMPLOYEE', 'ROLE_MANAGER'])
            ->addOption('-R') // shortcut options 

use App\Command\CreateUserCommand;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Prokl\TestingTools\Tools\Console\TestCommand;

class CreateUserCommandTest extends TestCase
    public function test_can_create_user(): void
        TestCommand::for(new CreateUserCommand(/** args... */))
            ->splitOutputStreams() // by default stdout/stderr are combined, this options splits them
            ->addOption('--admin') // with or without "--" prefix
            ->addOption('role', ['ROLE_EMPLOYEE', 'ROLE_MANAGER'])
            ->addOption('-R') // shortcut options n conjunction with ->splitOutputStreams()
            ->dump() // dump() the status code/outputs and continue
            ->dd() // dd() the status code/outputs
        // testing interactive commands
        TestCommand::for(new CreateUserCommand(/** args... */))
            ->addOption('--no-interaction') // commands are run interactively if input is provided, use this option to disable
            ->assertOutputContains('Creating regular user "kbond"')

        // access result
        $result = TestCommand::for(new CreateUserCommand(/** args... */))->execute();


class MyClass
    private string $privateProperty = 'private value';

    private function privateMethod(): string
        return 'private return value';

$myClass = new Myclass();

invade($myClass)->privateProperty; // returns 'private value'

invade($myClass)->privateProperty = 'changed value';
invade($myClass)->privateProperty; // returns 'changed value

invade($myClass)->privateMethod(); // returns 'private return value'