PHP code example of proklung / json-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download proklung/json-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


proklung / json-parser example snippets

// a source is anything that can provide a JSON, in this case an endpoint
$source = '';

foreach (new JsonParser($source) as $key => $value) {
    // instead of loading the whole JSON, we keep in memory only one key and value at a time

use Cerbero\JsonParser\JsonParser;
use function Cerbero\JsonParser\parseJson;

// classic object instantiation
new JsonParser($source);

// static instantiation

// namespaced function

JsonParser::parse($source)->traverse(function (mixed $value, string|int $key, JsonParser $parser) {
    // lazily load one key and value at a time, we can also access the parser if needed

// no foreach needed

use Cerbero\JsonParser\Sources\Source;
use Traversable;

class CustomSource extends Source
    public function getIterator(): Traversable
        // return a Traversable holding the JSON source, e.g. a Generator yielding chunks of JSON

    public function matches(): bool
        // return TRUE if this class can handle the JSON source

    protected function calculateSize(): ?int
        // return the size of the JSON in bytes or NULL if it can't be calculated

$json = JsonParser::parse(new CustomSource($source));

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // process one key and value of $source at a time

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointer('/results/0/gender');

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st and only iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointer('/results/-/gender');

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
    // 2nd iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
    // 3rd iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'male'
    // and so on for all the objects in the array...

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointers(['/results/-/gender', '/results/-/location/country']);

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
    // 2nd iteration: $key === 'country', $value === 'Germany'
    // 3rd iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
    // 4th iteration: $key === 'country', $value === 'Mexico'
    // and so on for all the objects in the array...

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointers([
    '/results/-/gender' => fn (string $gender, string $key) => new Gender($gender),
    '/results/-/location/country' => fn (string $country, string $key) => new Country($country),

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value instanceof Gender
    // 2nd iteration: $key === 'country', $value instanceof Country
    // and so on for all the objects in the array...

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)
    ->pointer('/results/-/gender', fn (string $gender, string $key) => new Gender($gender))
    ->pointer('/results/-/location/country', fn (string $country, string $key) => new Country($country));

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value instanceof Gender
    // 2nd iteration: $key === 'country', $value instanceof Country
    // and so on for all the objects in the array...

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointer('/results/-/name/first', function (string $name, string &$key) {
    $key = 'first_name';

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'first_name', $value === 'Sara'
    // 2nd iteration: $key === 'first_name', $value === 'Andrea'
    // and so on for all the objects in the array...

    ->pointer('/-/gender', $this->handleGender(...))
    ->pointer('/-/location/country', $this->handleCountry(...))

// no foreach needed

    ->pointer('/results/-/gender', fn (string $gender, string $key) => new Gender($gender))
    ->pointer('/results/-/location/country', fn (string $country, string $key) => new Country($country))
    ->traverse(function (Gender|Country $value, string $key, JsonParser $parser) {
        // 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value instanceof Gender
        // 2nd iteration: $key === 'country', $value instanceof Country
        // and so on for all the objects in the array...

// no foreach needed

// ['gender' => 'female', 'country' => 'Germany']
$array = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointers(['/results/0/gender', '/results/0/location/country'])->toArray();

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->lazyPointer('/results/0/name');

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'name', $value instanceof Parser

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->lazyPointer('/results/0/name');

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'name', $value instanceof Parser
    foreach ($value as $nestedKey => $nestedValue) {
        // 1st iteration: $nestedKey === 'title', $nestedValue === 'Mrs'
        // 2nd iteration: $nestedKey === 'first', $nestedValue === 'Sara'
        // 3rd iteration: $nestedKey === 'last', $nestedValue === 'Meder'

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->lazyPointer('/results/0/location');

foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'location', $value instanceof Parser
    foreach ($value as $nestedKey => $nestedValue) {
        // 1st iteration: $nestedKey === 'street', $nestedValue instanceof Parser
        // 2nd iteration: $nestedKey === 'city', $nestedValue === 'Sontra'
        // ...
        // 6th iteration: $nestedKey === 'coordinates', $nestedValue instanceof Parser
        // 7th iteration: $nestedKey === 'timezone', $nestedValue instanceof Parser

foreach (JsonParser::parse($source)->lazy() as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration: $key === 'results', $value instanceof Parser
    // 2nd iteration: $key === 'info', $value instanceof Parser

// set custom callback to run only when names are found
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->lazyPointer('/results/-/name', fn (Parser $name) => $this->handleName($name));

// set multiple lazy pointers one by one
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)
    ->lazyPointer('/results/-/name', fn (Parser $name) => $this->handleName($name))
    ->lazyPointer('/results/-/location', fn (Parser $location) => $this->handleLocation($location));

// set multiple lazy pointers all together
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->lazyPointers([
    '/results/-/name' => fn (Parser $name) => $this->handleName($name)),
    '/results/-/location' => fn (Parser $location) => $this->handleLocation($location)),

// eager load lazy pointers into an array
// ['name' => ['title' => 'Mrs', 'first' => 'Sara', 'last' => 'Meder'], 'street' => ['number' => 46, 'name' => 'Römerstraße']]
$array = JsonParser::parse($source)->lazyPointers(['/results/0/name', '/results/0/location/street'])->toArray();

// mix pointers and lazy pointers
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)
    ->pointer('/results/-/gender', fn (string $gender) => $this->handleGender($gender))
    ->lazyPointer('/results/-/name', fn (Parser $name) => $this->handleName($name));

use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\JsonDecoder;

JsonParser::parse($source)->decoder(new JsonDecoder(decodesToArray: false));

use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\Decoder;
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\DecodedValue;

class CustomDecoder implements Decoder
    public function decode(string $json): DecodedValue
        // return an instance of DecodedValue both in case of success or failure

use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\AbstractDecoder;

class CustomDecoder extends AbstractDecoder
    protected function decodeJson(string $json): mixed
        // decode the given JSON or throw an exception on failure
        return json_decode($json, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

JsonParser::parse($source)->decoder(new CustomDecoder());

use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\DecodedValue;
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Exceptions\SyntaxException;

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)
    ->onSyntaxError(fn (SyntaxException $e) => $this->handleSyntaxError($e))
    ->onDecodingError(fn (DecodedValue $decoded) => $this->handleDecodingError($decoded));

// instead of failing, replace invalid values with NULL
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->patchDecodingError();

// instead of failing, replace invalid values with '<invalid>'
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->patchDecodingError('<invalid>');

use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\DecodedValue;

$patches = ['1a' => 1, '2b' => 2];
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)
    ->patchDecodingError(fn (DecodedValue $decoded) => $patches[$decoded->json] ?? null);

use Cerbero\JsonParser\Exceptions\JsonParserException;

try {
} catch (JsonParserException) {
    // handle any exception thrown by JSON Parser

$json = new JsonParser($source);

$json->progress(); // <Cerbero\JsonParser\ValueObjects\Progress>
$json->progress()->current(); // the already parsed bytes e.g. 86759341
$json->progress()->total(); // the total bytes to parse e.g. 182332642
$json->progress()->fraction(); // the completed fraction e.g. 0.47583
$json->progress()->percentage(); // the completed percentage e.g. 47.583
$json->progress()->format(); // the formatted progress e.g. 47.5%

$json->progress()->current(); // 86759341
$json->progress()->total(); // null
$json->progress()->fraction(); // null
$json->progress()->percentage(); // null
$json->progress()->format(); // null

$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->bytes(1024 * 16); // read JSON chunks of 16KB