PHP code example of proklung / bitrix-webform-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download proklung/bitrix-webform-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


proklung / bitrix-webform-bundle example snippets

use Prokl\BitrixWebformBundle\Services\Migrations\CreateWebForm;

 * @var CreateWebForm $creator
$creator = container()->get('bitrix_form_bundle.create_form');

$creator->setNameForm('Тестировочная форма')
        ->setMenuItem(['ru' => 'Тестировочная форма', 'en' => 'Testing'])
        ->addTextField('EMAIL', 'Электронный адрес')
        ->addRadioButtonYesNow('RIGHTS', 'Вы гуманоид?')
        ->addTextField('NAME', 'Ваше имя')
        ->addTextareaField('COMMENTS', 'Комментарии')
        ->addDropdown('DROPS', 'Список', [
            'LIST1', 'LIST2'

use Prokl\BitrixWebformBundle\Services\FormProcessor;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class FormController extends AbstractController
  public function action(Request $request, FormProcessor $processor) : Response 
      $params = $request->request->all();
      $result = $processor->setFormCode('TESTING_FORM')

      return new Response(['id_answer' => $result]);  

use Prokl\BitrixWebformBundle\Services\FormSearcher;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class FormController extends AbstractController
  public function action(Request $request, FormSearcher $searcher) : Response 
        $params = [
            'NAME' => '1111',
            'EMAIL' => '[email protected]',
      $params = $request->request->all();
      $result = $searcher->addFilter($params)
                          ->setIdForm(8) // Допустимо использовать setFormCode('Символьный код формы')
      return new Response(['already_exists' => $result]);  

<pre>array (
     *   [WEB_FORM_ID] => 3
     *   [web_form_submit] => Отправить
     *   [form_text_18] => aafafsfasdf
     *   [form_text_19] => q1241431342
     *   [form_text_21] => afsafasdfdsaf
     *   [form_textarea_20] =>
     *   [form_text_22] => fasfdfasdf
     *   [form_text_23] => 31243123412
     *   18, 19, 21 - ID ответов у вопросов
     *   )</pre>