PHP code example of professionalweb / skud

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download professionalweb/skud library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


professionalweb / skud example snippets

$skud = new \professionalweb\skud\Skud();
$skud->url = 'http://skud/LNetworkServer/LNetworkService.svc?singleWsdl',
$skud->login = 'admin';
$skud->password = '';

$personInfo = $skud->addEmployee('75f918bf-24fc-445f-8ff5-8fd11e1ad361', 'John', 'Johnov', 'Merian');
$skud->assignKey($personInfo->ID, '9874566321154');

$result = $skud->updateEmployee($personInfo->ID, 'John', 'Smith', 'Merian');

$skud->setKeyIsLost('9874566321154', $personInfo->ID);






$skud->addEmployeePhoto($personInfo->ID, null, $base64Data);


$skud->getEmployeePhoto($personInfo->ID, 1);

$skud->getEvents($fromDate = null, $toDate = null, $inoutEventType = null, $page = 1, $pageSize = 20)

$result = $skud->getNotification();