PHP code example of problematik / php-autoremote

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download problematik/php-autoremote library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


problematik / php-autoremote example snippets

use Problematik\AutoRemote\AutoRemote;
use Problematik\AutoRemote\AutoRemoteNotification;

$notification = new AutoRemoteNotification();
$notification->title("Hello World!")->text("This will be the notification message!");

$autoremote = new AutoRemote("YOUR_API_KEY");

$notification = new AutoRemoteNotification(array("title" => "title", "text" => "text");

use Problematik\AutoRemote\AutoRemote;
use Problematik\AutoRemote\AutoRemoteMessage;

$message = new AutoRemoteMessage();

$autoremote = new AutoRemote("YOUR_API_KEY");

use Problematik\AutoRemote\AutoRemote;
use Problematik\AutoRemote\AutoRemoteIcon;
use Problematik\AutoRemote\AutoRemoteNotification;
use Problematik\AutoRemote\AutoRemoteNotificationButton;

$button = new AutoRemoteNotificationButton("message to send on button click", "Click me", AutoRemoteIcon::ACTION_HELP);

$anotherButton = new AutoRemoteNotificationButton("another message", "Edit me!", AutoRemoteIcon::CONTENT_EDIT);

$notification = new AutoRemoteNotification();
$notification->title("I've added buttons!")->text("Please click on the button!");

$autoremote = new AutoRemote("YOUR_API_KEY");

$button = new AutoRemoteNotificationButton("message to send on button click", "Click me", "action_help");

$notification = new AutoRemoteNotification();


$notification = new AutoRemoteNotification();


$notification->led("red", 200, 200);

$notification = new AutoRemoteNotification();


"   "problematik\php-autoremote": "~1.0.2"