PHP code example of prismo-smartpro / cache

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download prismo-smartpro/cache library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


prismo-smartpro / cache example snippets


 * Folder where the cache will be saved
 * Cache file extension
$cache = new CacheControl(__DIR__ . "/cache", "cache");

 * Creating a new cache
 * Expiry in minutes

$cache->set("profile=john", [
    "name" => "John Walker",
    "age" => 35,
    "email" => "[email protected]"
], 30);

 * Checks if the cache exists, if it exists, return the cache, if it doesn't exist, create it using the function

$withCallable = $cache->has("data", function () {
    return array(
        array("name" => "John Walker", "age" => 37),
        array("name" => "John Samuel", "age" => 17)
}, 15);


 * Search for a cached file
 * If it doesn't exist, return null
 * If it has already expired, return null and delete the cache

$data = $cache->get("profile=john");

 * Delete cache
