PHP code example of printed / rabbitmq-queue-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download printed/rabbitmq-queue-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


printed / rabbitmq-queue-bundle example snippets

protected function doContains($id)
    return false !== $this->memcached->get($id)
        || $this->memcached->getResultCode() !== Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND;

namespace AppBundle\Queue\Payload;

use Printed\Bundle\Queue\Queue\AbstractQueuePayload;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

 * {@inheritdoc}
class ExampleQueuePayload extends AbstractQueuePayload

     * @Assert\NotNull()
     * @Assert\Type(type="integer")
    protected $data;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function getExchangeName(): string
        return 'example_exchange';
    // public function getData()
    // public function setData()
    // ..


class MyServiceClass
    private $queueTaskDispatcher;

    public function __construct(QueueTaskDispatcher $queueTaskDispatcher)
        $this->queueTaskDispatcher = $queueTaskDispatcher;

    public function doSomething()
        // do something..

        $payload = new ExampleQueuePayload;

namespace AppBundle\Queue\Consumer;

use AppBundle\Queue\Payload\ExampleQueuePayload;

use Printed\Bundle\Queue\Exception\Consumer\QueueFatalErrorException;
use Printed\Bundle\Queue\Queue\AbstractQueueConsumer;
use Printed\Bundle\Queue\Queue\AbstractQueuePayload;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

 * {@inheritdoc}
class ExampleQueueConsumer extends AbstractQueueConsumer
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public static function getSubscribedServices(): array
        return array_merge(parent::getSubscribedServices(), [
            'some_service' => MySomeService::class,

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @param ExampleQueuePayload $payload
    public function run(AbstractQueuePayload $payload): bool

        //  You hava access to all the standard things ..
        $someService = $this->locator->get('some_service');
        $usefulParameter = $this->containerParameters->get('my_app.useful_parameter');

        $this->logger->info('Oh noes');

        //  Setting a task response data.
        $this->task->setResponseData(['something' => true]);

        //  Do lots of things ..
        //  And a few more things ..
        return self::TASK_COMPLETE;

