PHP code example of primas / node

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download primas/node library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


primas / node example snippets

$config = [
    "http_options" => [
        "base_uri" => ""      // testnet

$app = \Primas\Factory::account($config);

// Sign with the keystore

// Import the keystore
$keystore = '{"version":3,"id":"e1a1909a-7a38-44aa-af04-61cd3a342008","address":"d75407ad8cabeeebfed78c4f3794208b3339fbf4","Crypto":{"ciphertext":"bcf8d3037432f731d3dbb0fde1b32be47faa202936c303ece7f53890a79f49d2","cipherparams":{"iv":"e28edaeff90032f24481c6117e593e01"},"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","kdf":"scrypt","kdfparams":{"dklen":32,"salt":"7d7c824367d7f6607128c721d6e1729abf706a3165384bbfc2aae80510ec0ce2","n":1024,"r":8,"p":1},"mac":"52f98caaa4959448ec612e4314146b6a2d5022d5394b77e31f5a79780079c22f"}}';
$password = "Test123:::";
\Primas\Kernel\Eth\Keystore::init($keyStore, $password);

$parameters = [
    "name" => "Test123",
    "abstract" => "first test",
    "created" => time(),
    "address" => (string)\Primas\Kernel\Eth\Keystore::getAddress();

$metadataJson = $app->buildCreateAccount($parameters);

$signature = $app->sign($metadataJson);

$metadata = $app->setSignature($metadataJson, $signature);

$res = $account->createAccount($metadata);

// ......

// Sign with a signature machine

$parameters = [
    "name" => "Test123",
    "abstract" => "first test",
    "created" => time(),
    "address" => "0xd75407ad8cabeeebfed78c4f3794208";

$metadataJson = $app->buildCreateAccount($parameters);

// TODO request signature machine get signature
// If it is asynchronous, save the correspondence between the signature result and the application.

$signature="your signature from your signature machine";

$metadata = $app->setSignature($metadataJson, $signature);

$res = $account->createAccount($metadata);


// save the root account id
// save the root account id
// save the root account id

// result
 array(3) {
  string(7) "success"
  array(2) {
    string(64) "e19aa9a8cdc217c345925b7e824baea0ef6dab0e11117dfd2746be469b412724"
    string(64) "4659b4848c8e9e3ec60c94ded2cc58a35419411f58ff27dc51f116bb05577eb9"

 * Class Factory
 * @method static \Primas\Account\Application                  account(array $config)
 * @method static \Primas\Content\Application                  content(array $config)
 * @method static \Primas\ContentInteraction\Application       content_interaction(array $config)
 * @method static \Primas\Group\Application                    group(array $config)
 * @method static \Primas\Node\Application                     node(array $config)
 * @method static \Primas\Query\Application                    query(array $config)
 * @method static \Primas\System\Application                   system(array $config)
 * @method static \Primas\TimeLine\Application                 time_line(array $config)
 * @method static \Primas\Token\Application                    token(array $config)
 * @package Primas
class Factory

$config = [
     * refer guzzle http document
    "http_options" => [
        "base_uri" => BASE_URI,   // default
        "headers"  =>  [
              * default application/json
              * when Content-Type is multipart/form-data,if you want to post a file,the file field should be a file path like "F:/tmp/test.png" or an object instance CURLFile
            "Content-Type" => "application/json"     //
             // ...
     * root account id
    "account_id" => $account_id

 "php": ">=7.0",
 "ext-gmp": "*",
 "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~6.0"