PHP code example of prgtw / big-number-serializer-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download prgtw/big-number-serializer-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


prgtw / big-number-serializer-bundle example snippets

	public function registerBundles()
		$bundles = [
			// ...
			new prgTW\BigNumberSerializerBundle(),
			// ...
		// ...

 * @Serializer\ExclusionPolicy("NONE")
class Temp
	 * @Serializer\SerializedName("integer")
	 * @Serializer\Type("Brick\Math\BigInteger")
	private BigInteger $integer;

	 * @Serializer\SerializedName("decimal")
	 * @Serializer\Type("Brick\Math\BigDecimal<'2'>")
	private BigDecimal $decimal;

	 * @Serializer\SerializedName("rational")
	 * @Serializer\Type("Brick\Math\BigRational")
	private BigRational $rational;

	public function __construct(BigInteger $integer, BigDecimal $decimal, BigRational $rational)
		$this->integer  = $integer;
		$this->decimal  = $decimal;
		$this->rational = $rational;

	public function getInteger(): BigInteger
		return $this->integer;

	public function getDecimal(): BigDecimal
		return $this->decimal;

	public function getRational(): BigRational
		return $this->rational;

// ----------------------------------------

$temp = new Temp(
	BigDecimal::of('123.4'), // scaled to 2 decimal places

echo $jmsSerializer->serialize($temp, 'json');