PHP code example of prgayman / larafcm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download prgayman/larafcm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


prgayman / larafcm example snippets

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [

  'LaraFcm' => Prgayman\LaraFcm\Facades\LaraFcm::class,



class_alias(\Prgayman\LaraFcm\Facades\LaraFcm::class, 'LaraFcm');


use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Services\LaraFcmToken;

// Store desvice token
(new LaraFcmToken)

// Store desvice token to specific user
(new LaraFcmToken)

// Can you set platform or locale to token both options is optional
(new LaraFcmToken)

 * Get token from database you can use filter by model or locale ot platform to get tokens
 * @param Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null $model
 * @param string|null $locale
 * @param string|null $platform
 * @return array
$tokens = LaraFcmToken::getDbTokens();

$removeTokens = [];
 * Remove toknes from database
 * @param array $tokens
 * @return bool
$isDeleted = LaraFcmToken::removeDbTokens($removeTokens);

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Traits\HasLaraFcm; // Add this line

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasLaraFcm; // Add this line

$user = User::find(1);

 * Get user tokens can you use filter by locale or platform
 * @param string|null $locale
 * @param string|null $platform
 * @return array
$locale = null;
$platform = "ios";
$userTokens = $user->larafcmGetTokens($locale,$platform)

 * store user tokens can you set platform or locale to token
 * @param array|string $tokens
 * @param string|null  $locale
 * @param string|null  $platform
 * @return bool
$storeUserTokens = ['new_token'];
$user->larafcmStoreTokens($tokens, $locale, $platform)

use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Options;
use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Data;
use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Notification;
use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Topics;
use LaraFcm;

// Get all tokens form database return array you can set string token
$tokens = LaraFcmToken::getDbTokens();

// Send Notifications without data
$downstreamResponse = LaraFcm::to($tokens)
    (new Notification)
        ->setTitle('New Order')
        ->setBody('You have placed order')
    (new Options)

// Send Notifications with data
$downstreamResponse = LaraFcm::to($tokens)
    (new Notification)
        ->setTitle('New Order')
        ->setBody('You have placed order')
    (new Data)
    (new Options)

// Send data message
$downstreamResponse = LaraFcm::to($tokens)
    (new Data)
    (new Options)


// return Array - you must remove all this tokens in your database

// return Array (key : oldToken, value : new token - you must change the token in your database)

// return Array - you should try to resend the message to the tokens in the array

// return Array (key:token, value:error) - in production you should remove from your database the tokens

$topicResponse = LaraFcm::notification(
    (new Notification)
        ->setTitle('New Order')
        ->setBody('You have placed order')
    (new Options)
    (new Topics)


$topicResponse = LaraFcm::notification(
    (new Notification)
        ->setTitle('New Order')
        ->setBody('You have placed order')
    (new Options)
    (new Topics)
    ->andTopic(function($condition) {


use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Options;

$options = new Options;

use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Notification;
$notification = new Notification();

use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Topics;

$topics = new Topics;
       ->andTopic(function($condition) {

$topicResponse = larafcm()
    (new Notification)
        ->setTitle('New Order')
        ->setBody('You have placed order')
    (new Options)
    (new Data)
    (new Topics)

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use  Prgayman\LaraFcm\Services\LaraFcm;

use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Data;
use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Notification as LaraFcmNotification;
use Prgayman\LaraFcm\Message\Options;

class SendPlacedOrder extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return ['larafcm'];

    public function toLaraFcm($notifiable)
        $tokens = ['TOKEN_1','TOKEN_2'];

        return (new LaraFcm)
            (new LaraFcmNotification)
                ->setTitle('New Order')
                ->setBody('You have placed order')
            (new Options)
            (new Data)