PHP code example of prateekkathal / laravel-simplecurl

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download prateekkathal/laravel-simplecurl library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


prateekkathal / laravel-simplecurl example snippets



'SimpleCurl' => PrateekKathal\SimpleCurl\SimpleCurlFacade::class,

use SimpleCurl;

class UsersApiRepo

  function allUsers()
    // Gives Response As Array
    $usersArray = SimpleCurl::get('')->getResponseAsArray();

    // Or (Gives Response As Json)
    $usersJson = SimpleCurl::get('')->getResponseAsJson();

    // Or (Gives Response As Collection)
    $usersCollection = SimpleCurl::get('')->getResponseAsCollection();

    // Or (Gives Response As LengthAwarePaginator, if the response is paginated)
    $usersPaginated = SimpleCurl::get('')->getPaginatedResponse();

  function storeUser()
    $url = '';
    $inputs = [
      'name' => 'Prateek Kathal',
      'status' => 'Feeling positive!',
      'photo' => new \CURLFile($photoUrl, $mimeType, $photoName)
    $headers = ['Authorization: Bearer tokenForAuthorization'];
    $usersJson = SimpleCurl::post($url, $inputs, $headers, true)->getResponseAsJson();

  function updateUser($id)
    // Please note that CURL does not support posting Images/Files via PUT requests.
    $url = '' .$id. '/update';
    $headers = ['Authorization: Bearer tokenForAuthorization'];
    $inputs = [
      'status' => 'Feeling amazing!'
    $usersJson = SimpleCurl::put($url, $inputs, $headers)->getResponseAsJson();

  function deleteUser($id)
    // Please note that CURL does not support posting Images/Files via PUT requests.
    $url = '' .$id. '/delete';
    $headers = ['Authorization: Bearer tokenForAuthorization'];
    $usersJson = SimpleCurl::put($url, [], $headers)->getResponseAsJson();


use PrateekKathal\SimpleCurl\SimpleCurlTrait;

class Photo extends Model
  use SimpleCurlTrait;

  protected $apiAttributes = ['id', 'user_id', 'name', 'mime_type'];

function getUser($id)
   * Please ensure only a single Model is present in the response for this. Multiple rows will not be
   * automatically get converted into Collections And Models atm.
   * Keys set as fillable in that particular model are used here. Any fillable key, not present in the
   * response will be set as null and an instance of the Model will be returned.
  $userModel = SimpleCurl::get('' .id. '/get/')->getResponseAsModel('App\User')

   * There is also a second parameter which you can use to add something from the response as a relation
   * to it.
   * You will have to save a copy of the model somewhere so that SimpleCurl can get apiAttributes/fillable fields from
   * that class and use for relational Models as well.
  $relations = [
      'photo' => 'App\Photo'
      'city'=> 'App\City',                  //This will work as city.state and give state as a relation to city
      'state' => 'App\State'
  $userModelWithPhotoAsRelation = SimpleCurl::get('' .id. '/get/')->getResponseAsModel('App\User', $relations);

use SimpleCurl;

class UsersApiRepo

   * A Config Variable which you can use to handle multiple CURL requests...
  protected $simpleCurlConfig;

  function __construct() {
    $this->simpleCurlConfig = [
      'connectTimeout' => 30,
      'dataTimeout' => 60,
      'baseUrl' => '',
      'buildQuery' => false,
      'defaultHeaders' => [
        'Authorization: Bearer {bearer_token}',
        'Content-Type: application/json'

  function allUsers()
    // Set Defaults for making a CURL Request
    $simpleCurl = SimpleCurl::setConfig($this->simpleCurlConfig);

    // or if you just want to set base url
    // $simpleCurl = SimpleCurl::setBaseUrl($this->simpleCurlConfig['baseUrl']);

    // you can also change the default UserAgent
    // $simpleCurl = SimpleCurl::setUserAgent("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)");

    // Gives Response As Array
    $usersArray = $simpleCurl->get('api/v1/users/all')->getResponseAsArray();

    and so on...

  and so on.....
