PHP code example of potelo / multi-payment

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download potelo/multi-payment library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


potelo / multi-payment example snippets

use Potelo\MultiPayment\MultiPaymentTrait;  
class User extends Authenticatable
    use MultiPaymentTrait;

$usuario = User::find(1);
$usuario->charge($options, 'iugu', 10000);  


$payment = new \Potelo\MultiPayment\MultiPayment(); // gateway default será usado
// ou
$payment = new \Potelo\MultiPayment\MultiPayment('iugu');
// ou  
$payment = new \Potelo\MultiPayment\MultiPayment();

$multiPayment = new \Potelo\MultiPayment\MultiPayment('iugu');
$invoiceBuilder = $multiPayment->newInvoice();
$invoice = $invoiceBuilder->setPaymentMethod('payment_method')
    ->addCustomer('name', 'email', 'tax_document', 'phone_area', 'phone_number')
    ->addCustomerAddress('zip_code', 'street', 'number')
    ->addItem('description', 'quantity', 'price')

$multiPayment = new \Potelo\MultiPayment\MultiPayment('iugu');
$customerBuilder = $multiPayment->newCustomer();
$customer = $customerBuilder->setName('Nome')
    ->setPhone('999999999', '71')
    ->addAddress('45400000', 'Rua', 'S/N')

$payment = new \Potelo\MultiPayment\MultiPayment('iugu');
$foundInvoice = $payment->getInvoice($invoiceId);
$options = [
    'amount' => 10000,
    'customer' => [
        'name' => 'Nome do cliente',
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'tax_document' => '12345678901',
        'phone_area' => '71',
        'phone_number' => '999999999',
        'address' => [ 
            'street' => 'Rua do cliente',
            'number' => '123',
            'complement' => 'Apto. 123',
            'district' => 'Bairro do cliente',
            'city' => 'Cidade do cliente',
            'state' => 'SP',
            'zip_code' => '12345678',
    'items' => [
            'description' => 'Produto 1',
            'quantity' => 1,
            'price' => 10000,
            'description' => 'Produto 2',
            'quantity' => 2,
            'price' => 5000,
    'payment_method' => 'credit_card',
    'credit_card' => [
        'number' => '1234567890123456',
        'month' => '12',
        'year' => '2022',
        'cvv' => '123',
        'first_name' => 'João',
        'last_name' => 'Maria' 

$payment = new \Potelo\MultiPayment\MultiPayment();

$customer = new Customer();
$customer->name = 'Teste';
$customer->email = '[email protected]';
$customer->taxDocument = '12345678901';
echo $customer->id; // 7D96C7C932F2427CAF54F042345A13C60CD7

$invoice = new Invoice();
$invoice->customer = $customer;
$item = new InvoiceItem();
$item->description = 'Teste';
$item->price = 10000;
$item->quantity = 1;
$invoice->items[] = $item;
$invoice->paymentMethod = Invoice::PAYMENT_METHOD_CREDIT_CARD;
$invoice->creditCard = new CreditCard();
$invoice->creditCard->number = '4111111111111111';
$invoice->creditCard->firstName = 'João';
$invoice->creditCard->lastName = 'Silva';
$invoice->creditCard->month = '11';
$invoice->creditCard->year = '2022';
$invoice->creditCard->cvv = '123';
$invoice->creditCard->customer = $customer;
echo $invoice->id; // CB1FA9B5BD1C42B287F4AC7F6259E45D
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Potelo\MultiPayment\Providers\MultiPaymentServiceProvider"