PHP code example of popphp / pop-utils

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download popphp/pop-utils library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


popphp / pop-utils example snippets

use Pop\Utils\ArrayObject;

$arrayObject = new ArrayObject(['foo' => 'bar']);

echo $arrayObject->foo;
echo $arrayObject['foo'];

echo count($arrayObject);

foreach ($arrayObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $key . ': ' . $value;

$array = $arrayObject->toArray();

use Pop\Utils\ArrayObject;

$arrayObject = ArrayObject::createFromJson('{"foo":"bar"}');
echo $arrayObject->jsonSerialize(JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

use Pop\Utils\ArrayObject;

$arrayObject = ArrayObject::createFromSerialized('a:1:{s:3:"foo";s:3:"bar";}');
echo $arrayObject->serialize();

use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject('trim', ' Hello World!');
echo $callable->call(); // Outputs 'Hello World!'

use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject(function ($var) { echo strtoupper($var) . '!';});
$callable->addParameter('hello world');
echo $callable->call(); // Outputs 'HELLO WORLD!'

use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject(function ($var) { echo strtoupper($var) . '!';});
echo $callable->call('hello world'); // Outputs 'HELLO WORLD!'

use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject('MyClass::someMethod');
echo $callable->call(); // Executes the static 'someMethod()' from class 'MyClass'

use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject('MyClass->someMethod');
echo $callable->call(); // Executes the 'someMethod()' in an instance of 'MyClass'

use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

class MyClass

    protected $str = null;

    public function __construct($str)
        $this->str = $str;

    public function printString()
        echo $this->str;


// Creates an instance of 'MyClass' with the string 'Hello World' passed into the constructor
$callable = new CallableObject('MyClass', 'Hello World');
$myInstance = $callable->call();

use Pop\Utils\DateTime;

$times = ['08:45:18', '15:13:58', '09:05:09'];

$totalTime = Pop\Utils\DateTime::getTotal($times, '%H:%I:%S');
echo $totalTime . PHP_EOL; // 33:04:25

$averageTime = Pop\Utils\DateTime::getAverage($times, '%H:%I:%S');
echo $averageTime . PHP_EOL; // 11:01:28

$weekDates = DateTime::getWeekDates(40, 2023, 'Y-m-d'); // 40th week of the year 2023

    [0] => 2023-10-01
    [1] => 2023-10-02
    [2] => 2023-10-03
    [3] => 2023-10-04
    [4] => 2023-10-05
    [5] => 2023-10-06
    [6] => 2023-10-07

use Pop\Utils\File

$file = new File(__DIR__ . '/tmp/test.txt');

echo $file->getBasename());  // 'test.txt'
echo $file->getFilename());  // 'test'
echo $file->getExtension()); // 'txt'
echo $file->getMimeType());  // 'text/plain'
echo $file->getPath());      // __DIR__ . '/tmp
echo $file->getSize());      // 13

use Pop\Utils\File

echo File::getFileMimeType(__DIR__ . '/tmp/image.jpg'); // 'image/jpeg'

use Pop\Utils\Str;

echo Str::createSlug('Hello World | Home Page'); // hello-world-home-page

use Pop\Utils\Str;

echo Str::createLinks('Test Email [email protected] and Test Website');

use Pop\Utils\Str;

echo Str::createRandom(10);                         // 5.u9MHw{PC
echo Str::createRandomAlpha(10, Str::LOWERCASE);    // wvjvvsmnjw
echo Str::createRandomAlphaNum(10, Str::UPPERCASE); // 6S73HQ629R
echo Str::createRandomAlphaNum(10, Str::MIXEDCASE); // Yfd35M3T92

use Pop\Utils\Str;

echo Str::titleCaseToKebabCase('TitleCase');         // title-case
echo Str::titleCaseToSnakeCase('TitleCase');         // title_case
echo Str::camelCaseToDash('camelCase');              // camel-case
echo Str::camelCaseToUnderscore('camelCase');        // camel_case
echo Str::kebabCaseToTitleCase('kebab-string');      // KebabString
echo Str::snakeCaseToCamelCase('snake_case_string'); // SnakeCaseString
echo Str::snakeCaseToNamespace('snake_case_string'); // Snake\Case\String
echo Str::kebabCaseToPath('kebab-string');           // kebab/string (kebab\string on Windows)
echo Str::camelCaseToUrl('camelCase');               // camel/case

use Pop\Utils\Helper;

if (!Helper::isLoaded()) {