PHP code example of popphp / pop-storage

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download popphp/pop-storage library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


popphp / pop-storage example snippets

use Pop\Storage\Storage;

$storage = Storage::createAzure('ACCOUNT_NAME', 'ACCOUNT_KEY', 'CONTAINER');


$fileContents = $storage->fetchFile('test.pdf');

use Pop\Storage\Storage;

$storage = Storage::createS3('AWS_BUCKET', new S3\S3Client([
    'credentials' => [
        'key'    => 'AWS_KEY',
        'secret' => 'AWS_SECRET',
    'region'  => 'AWS_REGION',
    'version' => 'AWS_VERSION'

use Pop\Storage\Storage;

$storage = Storage::createAzure('ACCOUNT_NAME', 'ACCOUNT_KEY', 'CONTAINER');

use Pop\Storage\Storage;

$storage = Storage::createLocal(__DIR__ . '/tmp/');


$storage->putFileContents('test.pdf', $fileContents);

$fileContents = $storage->fetchFile('test.pdf');

// Returns an array of file info:
$info = $storage->fetchFileInfo('test.pdf');


// Where $file follows the $_FILES array format specified in PHP:
// $file = ['tmp_name' => '/tmp/Hs87jdk', 'name' => 'test.pdf', 'size' => 8574, 'error' => 0]

$files = $storage->listFiles();

$files = $storage->listFiles('test*');

$files = $storage->listFiles('*.pdf');

$all = $storage->listAll();

// The source file remains
$storage->copyFile('test.pdf', 'foo/test2.pdf');

// The source file no longer exists
$storage->renameFile('test.pdf', 'foo/test2.pdf');

// AWS example. The source file remains
$storage->copyFileToExternal('test.pdf', 's3://other-bucket/test.pdf');

// Azure example. The source file remains
$storage->copyFileToExternal('test.pdf', '/other-container/test.pdf');

// AWS example. The source file no longer exists
$storage->moveFileToExternal('test.pdf', 's3://other-bucket/test.pdf');

// Azure example. The source file no longer exists
$storage->moveFileToExternal('test.pdf', '/other-container/test.pdf');

// AWS example. The source file remains
$storage->copyFileFromExternal('s3://other-bucket/test.pdf', 'test.pdf');

// Azure example. The source file remains
$storage->copyFileFromExternal('/other-container/test.pdf', 'test.pdf');

// AWS example. The source file no longer exists
$storage->moveFileToExternal('s3://other-bucket/test.pdf', 'test.pdf');

// Azure example. The source file no longer exists
$storage->moveFileToExternal('/other-container/test.pdf', 'test.pdf');


$storage = Storage::createS3('s3://my-bucket', new S3\S3Client([
    'credentials' => [
        'key'    => 'AWS_KEY',
        'secret' => 'AWS_SECRET',
    'region'  => 'AWS_REGION',
    'version' => 'AWS_VERSION'

// Create the bucket 's3://my-bucket/foo'

// Point the adapter at 's3://my-bucket/foo'
// Any files pushed will store here
// Any delete calls will delete files from here

// Removes the bucket and its content

$dirs = $storage->listDirs();

$dirs = $storage->listDirs('foo*');

$dirs = $storage->listDirs('*foo/');

$all = $storage->listAll();

var_dump($storage->fileExists('test.pdf'))    // Returns bool
var_dump($storage->isDir('foo'));             // Returns bool
var_dump($storage->isFile('test.pdf'));       // Returns bool
var_dump($storage->getFileSize('test.pdf'));  // Returns filesize value as an integer
var_dump($storage->getFileType('test.pdf'));  // Return either 'file' or 'dir'
var_dump($storage->getFileMTime('test.pdf')); // Returns date/time value
var_dump($storage->md5File('test.pdf'));      // Returns MD5 hash of file