PHP code example of popphp / pop-queue

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download popphp/pop-queue library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


popphp / pop-queue example snippets

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;
use Pop\Queue\Process\Job;

// Create a job and add it to a queue
$job = Job::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job' . PHP_EOL;

$queue = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;

// Call up the queue and pass it to a worker object
$queue  = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));
$worker = Worker::create($queue);

// Trigger the worker to work the next job across its queues

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;
use Pop\Queue\Process\Task;

$task = Task::create(function() {
    echo 'This is a scheduled task' . PHP_EOL;

// Add to a queue
$queue = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;

// Call up the queue and pass it to a worker object
$queue  = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));
$worker = Worker::create($queue);

// Trigger the worker to run the next scheduled task across its queues

$id = $job->getJobId();

var_dump($job->hasStarted()); // Has a started timestamp
var_dump($job->hasNotRun());  // No started timestamp and no completed timestamp
var_dump($job->isRunning());  // Has a started timestamp, but not a completed/failed
var_dump($job->isComplete()); // Has a completed timestamp
var_dump($job->hasFailed());  // Has a failed timestamp

use Pop\Queue\Process\Job;

// Create a job from a closure
$job1 = Job::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #1' . PHP_EOL;

// Create a job from a static class method
$job2 = Job::create('MyApp\Service\SomeService::doSomething');

// Create a job with parameters
$closure = function($num) {
    echo 'This is job ' . $num . PHP_EOL;

// The second argument passed is the callable's parameter(s) 
$job3 = Job::create($closure, 1);

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Worker;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;
use Pop\Queue\Process\Job;

// Create a job that needs the application object
$job = Job::create(function($application) {
    // Do something with the application

$queue = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Worker;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;
use Pop\Application;

$application = new Application();

$queue  = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));
$worker = Worker::create($queue, $application);

// When the worker works the job, it will push the application object to the job

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;
use Pop\Queue\Process\Job;

// Create a job from an application command and add to the queue
$job   = Job::command('hello world');
$queue = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));

$queue  = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));
$worker = Worker::create($queue, $application);

use Pop\Queue\Process\Job;

// Create a job from an executable CLI command
$job = Job::exec('ls -la');

use Pop\Queue\Process\Job;

$job = Job::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #1' . PHP_EOL;



use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;
use Pop\Queue\Process\Task;

// Create a scheduled task and add to the queue
$task = Task::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #1' . PHP_EOL;

$queue = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'));

use Pop\Queue\Process\Task;

$task = Task::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #1' . PHP_EOL;

// Submit a cron-formatted schedule string
$task->schedule('* */2 1,15 1-4 *')

// Submit a non-standard cron-formatted schedule string
// that 

use Pop\Queue\Process\Task;

$task = Task::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #1' . PHP_EOL;
// Using a valid date/time string
$task->every30Minutes()->runUntil('2023-11-30 23:59:59');

// Using a valid UNIX timestamp

use Pop\Queue\Process\Task;

$task = Task::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #1' . PHP_EOL;

use Pop\Queue\Process\Task;

$task = Task::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #1' . PHP_EOL;

use Pop\Queue\Adapter\Redis;

$adapter = new Redis();

$adapter = new Redis('', 6380, 'my-queue');

use Pop\Queue\Adapter\Database;
use Pop\Db\Db;

$db = Db::mysqlConnect([
    'database' => 'DATABASE',
    'username' => 'DB_USER',
    'password' => 'DB_PASS'

$adapter = new Database($db); 

$adapter = new Database($db, 'my_queue_jobs'); 

use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;

$adapter = new File(__DIR__ . '/queues'); 

use Pop\Queue\Adapter\Sqs;
use Aws\Sqs\SqsClient;

$client = new SqsClient([
        'key'    => 'AWS_KEY',
        'secret' => 'AWS_SECRET',
    'region'  => 'AWS_REGION',
    'version' => 'AWS_VERSION'

$adapter = new Sqs($client, 'YOUR_AWS_QUEUE_URL');

use Pop\Queue\Queue;

$queue = Queue::create('pop-queue', $adapter); 

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;
use Pop\Queue\Process\Job;
use Pop\Queue\Process\Task;

$job1 = Job::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #1' . PHP_EOL;

$job2 = Job::create(function() {
    echo 'This is job #2' . PHP_EOL;

$task1 = Task::create(function() {
    echo 'This is scheduled task #1' . PHP_EOL;

$task2 = Task::create(function() {
    echo 'This is scheduled task #2' . PHP_EOL;

$queue = new Queue('pop-queue', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue'), Queue::FILO);
$queue->addJobs([$job1, $job2])
    ->addTasks([$task1, $task2]);

use Pop\Queue\Queue;
use Pop\Queue\Adapter\File;

// Call up the queue and pass it to a worker object
$queue1  = new Queue('pop-queue1', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue1'));
$queue2  = new Queue('pop-queue2', new File(__DIR__ . '/queue2'));
$worker = Worker::create([$queue1, $queue2]);



