PHP code example of popphp / pop-i18n

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download popphp/pop-i18n library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


popphp / pop-i18n example snippets

use Pop\I18n\I18n;

$lang = new I18n('fr_FR', '/path/to/language/files');

$string = $lang->__('Hello, my name is %1. I love to program %2.', ['Nick', 'PHP']);
echo $string;

$lang->_e('Hello, my name is %1. I love to program %2.', ['Nick', 'PHP']);

use Pop\I18n\Format;

$lang = [
    'src'    => 'en',
    'output' => 'de',
    'name'   => 'German',
    'native' => 'Deutsch'

$locales = [
        'region' => 'DE',
        'name'   => 'Germany',
        'native' => 'Deutschland',
        'text' => [
                'source' => 'This field is uage/files/de.xml');

// Create in JSON format
Format\Json::createFile($lang, $locale, '/path/to/language/files/de.json');

use Pop\I18n\Format;

// Create the XML format fragment
Format\Xml::createFragment('source/en.txt', 'output/de.txt', '/path/to/files/');

// Create the JSON format fragment
Format\Json::createFragment('source/en.txt', 'output/de.txt', '/path/to/files/');