PHP code example of popphp / pop-cache

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download popphp/pop-cache library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


popphp / pop-cache example snippets

use Pop\Cache\Cache;
use Pop\Cache\Adapter\File;

// Passing the file adapter the location on disk and the TTL
$cache = new Cache(new Adapter\File('/path/to/my/cache/dir', 300));

$cache->saveItem('foo', $data);

$data = $cache->getItem('foo');

if $cache->hasItem('foo') { } // Return bool


$cache->deleteItems(['foo', 'bar']);


use Pop\Cache\Cache;
use Pop\Cache\Adapter\Apc;

$cache = new Cache(new Apc(300));

use Pop\Cache\Cache;
use Pop\Cache\Adapter\Memcached;

$cache = new Cache(new Memcached(300, 'localhost', 11211));

use Pop\Cache\Cache;
use Pop\Cache\Adapter\Redis;

$cache = new Cache(new Redis(300, 'localhost', 6379));

use Pop\Cache\Cache;
use Pop\Cache\Adapter\File;

$cache = new Cache(new Adapter\File('/path/to/my/cache/dir', 300));

use Pop\Cache\Cache;
use Pop\Cache\Adapter\Database;
use Pop\Db\Db;

$cache = new Cache(
    new Database(Db::sqliteConnect(['database' => __DIR__ . '/tmp/cache.sqlite']), 300)

use Pop\Cache\Cache;
use Pop\Cache\Adapter\Session;

$cache = new Cache(new Session(300));