PHP code example of popphp / pop-auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download popphp/pop-auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


popphp / pop-auth example snippets

use Pop\Auth;

$auth = new Auth\File('/path/to/.htmyauth');

if ($auth->authenticate('admin', 'password')) {
    // User is authenticated
} else {
    // Handle failed authentication attempt

var_dump($auth->isAuthenticated()); // bool

use Pop\Auth;

$auth = new Auth\File('/path/to/.htmyauth');
$auth->authenticate('testuser1', 'password'); // Return int

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { } // Returns bool

use Pop\Auth;

$auth = new Auth\Table('MyApp\Table\Users');
$auth->authenticate('admin', 'password'); // int

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { } // bool

use Pop\Auth;

$auth = new Auth\Table('MyApp\Table\Users');

$auth->authenticate('admin', 'password'); // int

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { } // bool

use Pop\Auth\Http;
use Pop\Http\Client;

$auth = new Http(new Client('', ['method' => 'post']));
$auth->authenticate('admin', 'password'); // Returns int

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { } // Returns bool

use Pop\Auth\Http;
use Pop\Http\Client;
use Pop\Http\Auth;

$client = new Client(
    '', ['method' => 'post'],
    Auth::createBasic('admin', 'password')

$auth = new Http($client);
$auth->authenticate('admin', 'password'); // Returns int

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { } // Returns bool

use Pop\Auth\Http;
use Pop\Http\Client;
use Pop\Http\Auth;

$client = new Client(
    '', ['method' => 'post'],

$auth = new Http($client);
$auth->authenticate('admin', 'password');

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { } // Returns true

use Pop\Auth\Http;
use Pop\Http\Client;

$auth = new Http(new Client('', ['method' => 'post']));

$auth->authenticate('admin', 'password'); // Returns int

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { } // Returns bool

use Pop\Auth;

$auth = new Auth\Ldap('ldap.domain', 389, [LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION => 3]);
$auth->authenticate('admin', 'password');

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { } // Returns true

use Pop\Auth;

$auth = new Auth\Table('MyApp\Table\Users');
$auth->authenticate('admin', 'password'); // int

if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) {
    $user = $auth->getUser();