PHP code example of pointybeard / helpers-functions-json
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pointybeard/helpers-functions-json library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
pointybeard / helpers-functions-json example snippets
/* Example 1: Check if valid string is valid JSON **/
var_dump(Json\json_validate('{"person": {"name": "Sarah Smith"}}'));
// bool(true)
/** Example 2: Check if invalid string is valid JSON **/
$isValid = Json\json_validate('{"person": {"name":}', $code, $message);
var_dump($isValid, $code, $message);
// bool(false)
// int(4)
// string(12) "Syntax error"
/** Example 3: Check if file contains valid JSON **/
$tmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'JsonFunctionTest');
file_put_contents($tmp, '{"person": {"name": "Sarah Smith"}}');
// bool(true)
/* Example 4: Decode contents of valid JSON file **/
// class stdClass#2 (1) {
// public $person =>
// class stdClass#3 (1) {
// public $name =>
// string(11) "Sarah Smith"
// }
// }
/* Example 5: Validate file containing invalid JSON **/
file_put_contents($tmp, '{"person": {"name": {"name": "Broken JSON}');
$isValid = Json\json_validate_file($tmp, $code, $message);
var_dump($isValid, $code, $message);
// bool(false)
// int(3)
// string(53) "Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded"
/* Example 6: Attempt to decode file containing invalid JSON **/
try {
} catch (JsonException $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
// Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded
/** Example 7: Attempt to validate non-existent JSON file **/
$isValid = Json\json_validate_file('nonexistent/file.json', $code, $message);
var_dump($isValid, $code, $message);
// bool(false)
// string(42) "File nonexistent/file.json is not readable"
/* Example 8: Attempt to decode non-existent JSON file **/
// Fatal error: Uncaught JsonException: The file nonexistent/file.json is not readable in /path/to/helpers-functions-json/src/Json/Json.php on line 82
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