PHP code example of pmjones / auto-shell

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pmjones/auto-shell library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pmjones / auto-shell example snippets

use AutoShell\Console;

 namespace: 'Project\Cli\Command',
    directory: dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/Cli/Command',
    help: 'The console for my Project.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL,

$code = $console($_SERVER['argv']);

namespace Project\Cli\Command;

class Hello
    public function __invoke(string $name) : int
        echo "Hello {$name}" . PHP_EOL;
        return 0;

namespace Project\Cli\Command\HelloOptions;

use AutoShell\Option;
use AutoShell\Options;

class HelloOptions implements Options
    public function __construct(

        public readonly ?bool $useUpperCase

    ) {

namespace Project\Cli\Command;

class Hello
    public function __invoke(
        HelloOptions $options,
        string $name
    ) : int
        if ($options->useUpperCase) {
            $name = strtoupper($name);

        echo "Hello {$name}" . PHP_EOL;
        return 0;

namespace Project\Cli\Command;

use AutoShell\Help;

#[Help("Says hello to a _name_ of your choice.")]
class Hello
    public function __invoke(
        HelloOptions $options,

        #[Help("The _name_ to say hello to.")]
        string $name
    ) : int
        if ($options->useUpperCase) {
            $name = strtoupper($name);

        echo "Hello {$name}" . PHP_EOL;
        return 0;

namespace Project\Cli\Command\HelloOptions;

use AutoShell\Option;
use AutoShell\Options;

class HelloOptions implements Options
    public function __construct(

        #[Option('u,upper', help: "Output the _name_ in upper case.")]
        public readonly ?bool $useUpperCase

    ) {

$console = Console::new(
    namespace: 'Project\Cli\Command',
    directory: dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/Cli/Command',
    suffix: 'Command'

$console = Console::new(
    namespace: 'Project\Cli\Command',
    directory: dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/Cli/Command',
    method: 'exec'

/** @var Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container */

$console = Console::new(
    namespace: 'Project\Cli\Command',
    directory: dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/Cli/Command',
    factory: fn (string $class) => $container->get($class),

namespace Project\Cli\Command;

use AutoShell\Option;
use AutoShell\Options;

class FooOptions implements Options
    public function __construct(

        public readonly ?bool $barval,

    ) {

namespace Project\Cli\Command;

class Foo
    public function __invoke(FooOptions $options) : int
        if ($options->barval) {
            // $barval is true

        return 0;

namespace Project\Cli\Command;

class Foo
    public function __invoke(
        CommonOptions $commonOptions,
        FooOptions $fooOptions
    ) : int
        if ($commonOptions->verbose) {
            // increased verbosity

        if ($fooOptions->bar) {
            // do whatever 'bar' means

        return 0;

namespace Project\Cli\Command;

use AutoShell\Help;

    'This command does something.',

    This is a longer description of the command.


    Look for examples _elsewhere_.

class Foo
    // ...

/** @var Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container */
$logger = $container->get(LoggerInterface::class);

$console = Console::new(
    namespace: 'Project\Cli\Command',
    directory: dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/Cli/Command',
    stdout: fn (string $output) => $logger->info($output),
    stderr: fn (string $output) => $logger->error($output),