PHP code example of plutuss / laravel-geonames-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download plutuss/laravel-geonames-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


plutuss / laravel-geonames-api example snippets

        $response = GeoName::postalCodeSearchJSONFromName('city_name');

        $response = GeoName::setPostalCode(6600)
          // OR
        $response = GeoName::setOption([
            'country' => 'CH',

        $response = GeoName::postalCodeSearchJSONFromPostCode(6600);

        $response = GeoName::setCountryCode('CH')
          // OR

        $response = GeoName::setOption([
            'country' => 'CH',

     setCountryCode(string $countryCode): static;
     setPostalCode(int $value): static;

     setPostalCodeStartsWith(string $value): static;
     setPlaceName(string $value): static;

     setPlaceNameStartsWith(string $value): static;

     setCountry(string $value): static;

     setCountryBias(string $value): static;

     setMaxRows(int $value): static;
     setStyle(string $value): static;

     setOperator(string $value): static;

     setCharset(string $value): static;

     setIsReduced(bool $value): static;
     setEast(float $value): static;
     setWest(float $value): static;

     setNorth(float $value): static;

     setSouth(float $value): static;
     setLatitude(string $value): static;

     setLongitude(string $value): static;
     setRadius(int $value): static;

     setOption(array $params): static;

     searchJSON(string $country): JsonResponse|array|Collection;

     postalCodeSearchJSONFromPostCode(int $postalCode, int $radius = 5, int $maxRows = 10): JsonResponse|array|Collection;

     postalCodeSearchJSONFromName(string $name, int $radius = 5, int $maxRows = 10): JsonResponse|array|Collection;

     findNearbyPostalCodes(int $lat, int $lng): JsonResponse|array|Collection;

     postalCodeCountryInfo(): JsonResponse|array|Collection;

     findNearbyJSON(int $lat, int $lng): JsonResponse|array|Collection;

     latitude(): mixed;

     getCollectionData(): Collection;

     getArrayData(): array;

     longitude(): mixed;

     placeName(): mixed;

     postalCode(): mixed;

     countryCode(): mixed;

     region(): mixed;

     land(): mixed;

    // The getNestedValue() method retrieves a value
    // from a deeply nested array using "dot" notation
    // $response->getNestedValue('key.array')
     getNestedValue($path, $default = null): mixed;
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Plutuss\GeoNames\Providers\GeoNamesServiceProvider"