PHP code example of plumphp / plum-twig

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download plumphp/plum-twig library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


plumphp / plum-twig example snippets

use Plum\PlumTwig\TwigConverter;

$converter = new TwigConverter($twig, 'hello');
$converter->convert(['name' => 'Florian']);


$converter = new TwigConverter($twig, 'default', ['template' => 'layout']);

// The template name.html.twig is used to render the item
$converter->convert(['name' => 'Florian', 'layout' => 'name']);

$converter = new TwigConverter($twig, 'layout', ['target' => 'content']);

// The rendered template is added to the item with the key "content"
$converter->convert(['name' => 'Florian']); // -> ['name' => 'Florian', 'content' => '...']

$converter = new TwigConverter($twig, 'layout', ['context' => 'data']);

// Only the ['name' => 'Florian'] is passed as context to Twig
$converter->convert([['data' => ['name' => 'Florian'], 'file' => 'person']);