PHP code example of plopster / trace-code-maker

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download plopster/trace-code-maker library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


plopster / trace-code-maker example snippets

Schema::create('trace_codes', function (Blueprint  $table) {










namespace  App\Providers;


use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

use Plopster\TraceCodeMaker\TraceCodeMaker;


class  TraceCodeMakerServiceProvider  extends  ServiceProvider



* Register services.


public  function  register(): void


$this->app->singleton('tracecodemaker', function ($app) {

return  new  TraceCodeMaker();





* Bootstrap services.


public  function  boot(): void





'providers' => [

// Other Service Providers

namespace  App\Facades;


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;


class  TraceCodeMaker  extends  Facade


protected  static  function  getFacadeAccessor()


return  'tracecodemaker';



'aliases' => [

// Other Facades


'TraceCodeMaker' => App\Facades\TraceCodeMaker::class,


use  TraceCodeMaker;


$service  =  'ReservationService';

$httpCode  =  500;

$methodName  =  'reserveTable';

$className  =  'TableController';


$response  =  TraceCodeMaker::fetchOrCreateTraceCode($service, $httpCode, $methodName, $className);


if ($response['error']) {

// Handle error

echo  $response['message'];

} else {

// Use the trace code

echo  "Trace Code: "  .  $response['traceCode'];



php  artisan  migrate