PHP code example of plokko / laravel-msgraph

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download plokko/laravel-msgraph library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


plokko / laravel-msgraph example snippets

   'providers' => [

$user = MsGraph::User()->find("USER-ID");
/**@var \Microsoft\Graph\Model\User $user**/

$user = MsGraph::User()->findByPrincipalName("[email protected]");

$userQuery = MsGraph::User()->list();
    ->take(5)//limit to 5
    ->select(['id','displayName'])//Select fields

$users = $userList->get(); // Execute the query
/**@var \Microsoft\Graph\Model\User[] $users**/

$userQuery = MsGraph::User()->list();

$count = $userList->count(); // Execute the query
/**@var int $count**/

// Prepare your user data as a Microsoft\Graph\Model\User object or as an Array of key-values
$userData = new \Microsoft\Graph\Model\User([
    "mailNickname" => 'UserName',
    "displayName" => "User Name",
    "givenName" => "User",
    "surname" => "Name",

    "password" => "TheUserPassword123",

    "jobTitle" => null,
    "mail" => "[email protected]",
    "userPrincipalName" => "[email protected]",
    "mobilePhone" => null,
    "businessPhones" => ['0000 123456'],

    "officeLocation" => null,
    "preferredLanguage" => null,
// Or
$userData = [
    "mailNickname" => 'UserName',
    "displayName" => "User Name",
    "givenName" => "User",
    "surname" => "Name",

    "password" => "TheUserPassword123",

    "jobTitle" => null,
    "mail" => "[email protected]",
    "userPrincipalName" => "[email protected]",
    "mobilePhone" => null,
    "businessPhones" => ['0000 123456'],

    "officeLocation" => null,
    "preferredLanguage" => null,
$password = null; //If set will overwrite user password in data
$accountEnabled = null; // If the account is enabled, if set will overwrite user data, if null and not set in user data it will default to true
$forcePasswordChange = false; // Will force password change on next login (see passwordProfile)

// Prepare your user data as a Microsoft\Graph\Model\User object or as an Array of key-values
// id or userPrincipalName are -id',
    "mailNickname" => 'UserName',
// Or
$userData = [
    "userPrincipalName" => "[email protected]",
    "mailNickname" => 'UserName',


MsGraph::User()->deleteByPrincipalName("[email protected]");