PHP code example of plasticbrain / php-flash-messages

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download plasticbrain/php-flash-messages library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


plasticbrain / php-flash-messages example snippets

// Start a Session
if (!session_id()) @session_start();
// Instantiate the class
$msg = new \Plasticbrain\FlashMessages\FlashMessages();

// Add messages
$msg->info('This is an info message');
$msg->success('This is a success message');
$msg->warning('This is a warning message');
$msg->error('This is an error message');

// If you need to check for errors (eg: when validating a form) you can:
if ($msg->hasErrors()) {
	// There ARE errors
} else {
  // There are NOT any errors
// Wherever you want to display the messages simply call:

$msg->info('This is a info message');

$msg->success('This is a success message');

$msg->warning('This is a warning message');

$msg->error('This is a error message');


$msg->error('This is an error message', '');

$msg->success('This is a success message');
$msg->success('This is another success message');
$msg->error('This is an error message', '');   

$msg->error("This is a sticky error message (it can't be closed)", null, true);
$msg->warning("This is a sticky warning message (it can't be closed)", null, true);
$msg->success("This is a sticky success message (it can't be closed)", null, true);
$msg->info("This is a sticky info message (it can't be closed)", null, true);

$msg->sticky('This is also a sticky message');

$msg->sticky('This is "success" sticky message', '', $msg::SUCCESS);

if ($msg->hasErrors()) {
    // There are errors, so do something like redirect

// Check if there are any INFO messages
if ($msg->hasMessages($msg::INFO)) {

// Check if there are any SUCCESS messages
if ($msg->hasMessages($msg::SUCCESS)) {

// Check if there are any WARNING messages
if ($msg->hasMessages($msg::WARNING)) {

// Check if there are any ERROR messages
if ($msg->hasMessages($msg::ERROR)) {

// See if there are *any* messages queued at all
if ($msg->hasMessages()) {

$msg->setCloseBtn('<button type="button" class="close" 
                        <span aria-hidden="true">&amp;times;</span>

    $msg::INFO    => 'alert-info',
    $msg::SUCCESS => 'alert-success',
    $msg::WARNING => 'alert-warning',
    $msg::ERROR   => 'alert-danger',




$msg->setMsgWrapper("<div class='%s'>%s</div>")
