PHP code example of placetopay / analytics-tracker

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download placetopay/analytics-tracker library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


placetopay / analytics-tracker example snippets

use Placetopay\AnalyticsTracker\Facades\Analytics;

Analytics::setIdentifier("[email protected]") // (optional) Associate a user to the tracked events
    ->setDefaultPayload(['key' => 'value']) // Set the default data to be sent on every track call
    ->track('Label', ['key' => 'value']); // Tracks an event

use Placetopay\AnalyticsTracker\Facades\Analytics;

Analytics::setIdentifier("[email protected]")
    ->shouldTrackEvents(fn($label, $payload) => $payload['siteId'] === '1234')
    ->track('Label', ['siteId' => '5678']);

Analytics::setIdentifier("[email protected]")
    ->shouldTrackEvents(new InvokableClass()) // May use an Invokable class 
    ->track('Label', ['siteId' => '5678']);