PHP code example of pklink / hahns

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pklink/hahns library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pklink / hahns example snippets

$app = new \Hahns\Hahns();

$app->get('/', function () {
    return "hello world!";

$app->delete('/', function () {
    return "1";

$app = new \Hahns\Hahns(['debug' => true]);

$app->get('/', function (\Hahns\Request $request) {
    // ...

$app->patch('/', function (\Hahns\Response\Json $response) {
    // ...

$app->get('/cars', function (\Hahns\Response\Json $response, \Hahns\Request $request) {
    // ...

$app->get('/hello/[.+:name]', function (\Hahns\Response\Json $response, \Hahns\Request $request) {
	return $response->send([
		'message' => sprintf('hello %s %s', $request->get('first'), $request->get('last'))

$app->get('/hello/[.+:first]/[.+:last]', function (\Hahns\Request $request, \Hahns\Response\Json $response) {
	return $response->send([
		'message' => sprintf('hello %s %s', $request->get('first'), $request->get('last'))

$app->delete('/cars/id-[\d+:id]/now', function (\Hahns\Response\Json $response, \Hahns\Request $request) {
    return $response->send([
        'message' => sprintf('removed card with id `%d`', $request->get('id'))

$app->get('/route1', function () {
    return 'hello world';
}, 'route1');
$app->get('/route2', 'route1', 'route2');
$app->get('/route3', 'route2');

$app->service('myservice', function(\Hahns\Hahns $app) {
	$service = new \stdClass();
	$service->test    = 'hello';
	$service->appName = $app->config('name');
	return $service;

$app->get('/service-test', function (\Hahns\Hahns $app) {
	echo $app->service->test;

$app->on(\Hahns\Hahns::EVENT_NOT_FOUND, function ($usedRoute, \Hahns\Hahns $app, \Hahns\Exception\NotFoundException $e) {
    // do something

$app->get('/not-found', function () {
    throw new \Hahns\Exception\NotFoundException();

$app->on(\Hahns\Hahns::EVENT_ERROR, function (\Exception $e, \Hahns\Hahns $app) {
    // do something

$app->get('/not-found', function () {
    throw new \Hahns\Exception\NotFoundException();

$app->on(\Hahns\Hahns::EVENT_BEFORE_RUNNING, function ($givenRoute, \Hahns\Hahns $app) {
    // do something

$app->on(\Hahns\Hahns::EVENT_AFTER_RUNNING, function ($usedRoute, \Hahns\Hahns $app) {
    // do something

$app->on(\Hahns\Hahns::EVENT_BEFORE_ROUTING, function ($usedRoute, \Hahns\Hahns $app) {
    // do something

$app->on(\Hahns\Hahns::EVENT_AFTER_ROUTING, function ($usedRoute, \Hahns\Hahns $app) {
    // do something

$app->on(\Hahns\Hahns::EVENT_BEFORE_EXECUTING_ROUTE, function ($usedRoute, \Closure $routeCallback, $argsForCallback, \Hahns\Hahns $app)
    // do something

$app->on(\Hahns\Hahns::EVENT_AFTER_EXECUTING_ROUTE, function ($usedRoute, \Closure $routeCallback, $argsForCallback, \Hahns\Hahns $app)
    // do something

$app->parameter('\\stdClass', function() {
    $obj = new stdClass();
    $obj->test = 'yup';
    return $obj;

$app->get('/own/parameter', function (\stdClass $obj) {
    return $obj->test;

$app->parameter('\Package\MyOwnClass', function(\Hahns\Hahns $app) {
    // ...

mixed get(string $name)		                    // get GET-param $name or null
mixed get(string $name, mixed $default)		    // get GET-param $name or $default
mixed header(string $name)	                    // get param $name from request header or null
mixed header(string $name, mixed $default)	    // get param $name from request header or $default
mixed payload(string $name)	                    // get param $name from payload (DELETE, PATCH, PUT) or null
mixed payload(string $name, mixed $default)     // get param $name from payload (DELETE, PATCH, PUT) or $default
mixed post(string $name)		                // get POST-param $name or null
mixed post(string $name, mixed $default)		// get POST-param $name or $default