PHP code example of pitwch / rest-api-wrapper-proffix-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pitwch/rest-api-wrapper-proffix-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pitwch / rest-api-wrapper-proffix-php example snippets


use Pitwch\RestAPIWrapperProffix\Client;

use Pitwch\RestAPIWrapperProffix\Client;

$pxrest =  new  Client(
$adressen = $pxrest->get('ADR/Adresse',array('filter'=>'GeaendertAm>d\'2018-05-17 14:54:56\'','depth'=>1,'fields'=>'AdressNr,Name,GeaendertAm'));;

//Escape ' with \'
array('filter'=>'GeaendertAm>d\'2018-05-17 14:54:56\'','depth'=>1,'fields'=>'AdressNr,Name,GeaendertAm')

//Einfache Abfrage
$pxrest =  new  Client(...)
$adresse = $pxrest->get("ADR/Adresse/1")  //Legt Response als Objects in $adresse ab
$adresse->Name //DEMO AG

/Abfrage mit Parametern
$pxrest =  new  Client(...)
$adresse = $pxrest->get("ADR/Adresse",array('filter'=>'GeaendertAm>d\'2018-05-17 14:54:56\'','depth'=>1,'fields'=>'AdressNr,Name,GeaendertAm','limit'=>5))

$pxrest =  new  Client(...)
$data = array("AdressNr"=>1,"Ort"=>"Zürich","PLZ"=>8000,"EMail"=>"[email protected]");
$adresse = $pxrest->put("ADR/Adresse",$data)  //Sendet $data an Endpunkt ADR/Adresse

$pxrest =  new  Client(...)
$data = array("AdressNr"=>1,"Ort"=>"Zürich","PLZ"=>8000,"EMail"=>"[email protected]");
$adresse = $pxrest->post("ADR/Adresse",$data)  //Sendet $data an Endpunkt ADR/Adresse

$pxrest =  new  Client(...)
$adresse = $pxrest->get("ADR/Adresse")

//Zusatzinformationen zum letzten Request
$lastRequest = $pxrest->http->getRequest();
$lastRequest->getUrl(); // Get requested URL (string).
$lastRequest->getMethod(); // Get request method (string).
$lastRequest->getParameters(); // Get request parameters (array).
$lastRequest->getHeaders(); // Get request headers (array).
$lastRequest->getBody(); // Get request body (JSON).

//Zusatzinformationen zur letzten Response
$lastResponse = $pxrest->http->getResponse();
$lastResponse->getCode(); // Response code (int).
$lastResponse->getHeaders(); // Response headers (array).
$lastResponse->getBody(); // Response body (JSON).

$pxrest =  new  Client(...)

//Variante 1: API - Key direkt mitgeben
$info1 = $pxrest->info('112a5a90fe28b23ed2c776562a7d1043957b5b79fad242b10141254b4de59028');
//Variante 2: API - Key aus Options verwenden (sofern dort hinterlegt)
$info2 = $pxrest->info();

$pxrest = new Client(...);

//Variante 1: API - Key direkt mitgeben
$datenbank1 = $pxrest->database('112a5a90fe28b23ed2c776562a7d1043957b5b79fad242b10141254b4de59028');
//Variante 2: API - Key aus Options verwenden (sofern dort hinterlegt)
$datenbank2 = $pxrest->database();