PHP code example of pitoncms / piton

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pitoncms/piton library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pitoncms / piton example snippets

 * Production
 * Boolean variable controls debug and environment modes
 * Set to false in config.local.php on a development environment.
$config['site']['production'] = true;

 * Database
$config['database']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['database']['dbname'] = '';
$config['database']['username'] = '';
$config['database']['password'] = '';

 * Sessions
 * Set 'salt' to a long hash.
$config['session']['cookieName'] = 'pitoncms';
$config['session']['checkIpAddress'] = true;
$config['session']['checkUserAgent'] = true;
$config['session']['salt'] = '';
$config['session']['secondsUntilExpiration'] = 7200;

 * Email
 * from:     Send-from email address
 * protocol: 'mail' (default) or 'smtp'
 * These settings below only apply for SMTP connections
 * smtpHost: SMTP server name
 * smtpUser: User name
 * smtpPass: Password
 * smtpPort: Port to use, likely 465
$config['email']['from'] = '[email protected]';
$config['email']['protocol'] = 'mail';
$config['email']['smtpHost'] = '';
$config['email']['smtpUser'] = '';
$config['email']['smtpPass'] = '';
$config['email']['smtpPort'] = '';

 * Pagination Row Limits
$config['pagination']['adminPagePagination']['resultsPerPage'] = 6;
$config['pagination']['adminMediaPagination']['resultsPerPage'] = 10;