PHP code example of pipelinersales / pipeliner-api-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pipelinersales/pipeliner-api-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pipelinersales / pipeliner-api-client example snippets

use PipelinerSales\ApiClient\PipelinerClient;

$url        = '';
$pipelineId = 'eu_myPipeline';
$token      = 'api token';
$password   = 'api password';

$pipeliner = PipelinerClient::create($url, $pipelineId, $token, $password);

try {
    // load all accounts (up to a maximum of 25)

    // load a specified account by id

}catch (PipelinerHttpException $e) {
    // something went wrong

// load up to 10 accounts and sort them by the organization name
$pipeliner->accounts->get(array('limit' => 10, 'sort' => 'ORGANIZATION'));

// load up to 5 accounts which were modified in the last week
$criteria = new Criteria();
$criteria->limit(5)->after(new DateTime('-7 days midnight'));

// load accounts whose organization name contains the string 'co'
$pipeliner->accounts->get(Filter::contains('ORGANIZATION', 'co'));

// load up to 10 accounts whose name starts with the letter A ordered by name in an ascending order

$account = $pipeliner->accounts->getById('ID-219034053254');
echo $account->getOrganization() . "\n";
echo $account->getEmail1() . "\n";


$account = $pipeliner->accounts->getById('ID-219034053254');
$account->setEmail1('[email protected]')

$salesUnit = $pipeliner->salesUnits->create();

$response = $pipeliner->salesUnits->save(
    array( 'SALES_UNIT_NAME' => 'Aq' )


$account = $pipeliner->accounts->getById('ID-342534523462');

    array('ID-219034053254', 'ID-3456134218434', 'ID-0186703160934')

$collection = $pipeliner->accounts->get();

// entity collections can be accessed like arrays
$firstAccount = $collection[0];

foreach ($collection as $account) {
    // do something with each account

$accounts = $pipeliner->accounts->get();

// this is allowed
$accounts[0]->setEmail1('[email protected]');

// this throws an exception
$accounts[0] = $pipeliner->accounts->getById('ID-3452134134');

// default limit 25 items
$accounts = $client->accounts->get();

$accountIterator = $client->accounts->getEntireRangeIterator($accounts);

$emails = array();
// this will iterate over ALL of the results (even beyond the 25)
foreach ($accountIterator as $account) {
    $emails[] = $account->getEmail1();

    if (!$accountIterator->nextDataAvailable() and !$accountIterator->atEnd()) {
        // next iteration will issue a HTTP request

try {
    $account = $pipeliner->accounts->create();
    // mandatory fields in the account are empty, so the server will refuse to save it
}catch (PipelinerHttpException $e) {
    echo $e->getErrorMessage();