PHP code example of pinkcrab / memoize-trait

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pinkcrab/memoize-trait library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pinkcrab / memoize-trait example snippets

use PinkCrab\Memoize\Memoizable;

class CategoryRepository {

     * Gives access to the Memoize cache
    use Memoizable;

     * Will call the database on the first call.
     * Creates a cache based on the hash of $id & $parent (concatinated)
    public function getCategory($id, $parent): ?CategoryTerm {
        return $this->memoize(
            $this->generateHash($id, $parent),
            function () use ($id, $parent): ?CategoryTerm {
                return $this->slowDataSource->someExpensiveQuery($id, $parent);

public function doExpensiveCall($param1, $param2): Result 
    return $this->memoize(
        // Generate Hash
        $this->generateHash($param1, $param2),
        // The fetch/call callable.
        function() use ($param1, $param2) : Result {
            return $this->service
                ->expensiveCall($param1, $param2);