PHP code example of pinkcrab / bladeone-provider

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pinkcrab/bladeone-provider library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pinkcrab / bladeone-provider example snippets

 * Bootstrap Blade into Perique
 * @param string|array                             $views_path   The Path or paths used for the template files.
 * @param string                                   $cache_path   The path where all compiled/cached template files.
 * @param int|null                                 $blade_mode   The mode to start blade one using ( )
 * @param class_string | PinkCrab_BladeOne::class  $blade_class  The implementation of BladeOne to use
BladeOne_Bootstrap::use( $views_path, $cache_path, $blade_mode, $blade_class );

// Bootstrap for Perique follows as normal.. 
$app = ( new App_Factory() )->with_wp_dice( true )

class My_Blade_Config extends Abstract_BladeOne_Config {

	// Services can be injected using DI as normal (with Perique)
	protected $service;
	public function __construct( Mock_Service $service ) {
		$this->service = $service;

	 * This is the only method that must be implemented
	 * @param BladeOne_Provider $provider The instance of BladeOne being used.
	public function config( BladeOne_Provider $provider ): void {
		// Use this method to configure Blade 
		// Details of methods can be found below.		
		$provider->set_compiled_extension( $this->service->get_cache_file_extension() );
		$provider->directive( 'test', [ $this->service, 'some_method' ] );
		$provider->allow_pipe( false ); // Pipe is enabled by default, unlike standard BladeOne

 * Sets if piping is enabled in templates.
 * @param bool $bool
 * @return self
public function allow_pipe( bool $bool = true ): self{}

 * Register a handler for custom directives.
 * @param string   $name
 * @param callable $handler
 * @return self
public function directive( string $name, callable $handler ): self{}

// Directive Example
$provider->directive('datetime', function ($expression) {
	// Return a valid PHP expression in php tags
    return " echo ($expression)->format('m/d/Y H:i'); 

// You will need to pass $now to your view
$class->render('', ['now' => new DateTime()]);

 * Register a handler for custom directives at runtime only.
 * @param string   $name
 * @param callable $handler
 * @return self
public function directive_rt( string $name, callable $handler ): self{}

// Directive at Run Time Example
$provider->directive_rt('datetime', function ($expression) {
	// Just print/echo the value.
	return "echo $expression->format('m/d/Y H:i');";

// You will need to pass $now to your view
$class->render('', ['now' => new DateTime()]);

 * Define a template alias
 * @param string      $view  example "folder.template"
 * @param string|null $alias example "mynewop". If null then it uses the name of the template.
 * @return self
public function add_

// Directive at Run Time Example
$provider->add_s->render('longpath', ['data' => $data]);

 * Define a class with a namespace
 * @param string $alias_name
 * @param string $class_with_namespace
 * @return self
public function add_alias_classes( $alias_name, $class_with_namespace ): self{}

$provider->add_alias_classes('MyClass', 'Namespace\\For\\Class');

 * Adds a global variable. If <b>$var_name</b> is an array then it merges all the values.
 * <b>Example:</b>
 * <pre>
 * $this->share('variable',10.5);
 * $this->share('variable2','hello');
 * // or we could add the two variables as:
 * $this->share(['variable'=>10.5,'variable2'=>'hello']);
 * </pre>
 * @param string|array<string, mixed> $var_name It is the name of the variable or it is an associative array
 * @param mixed        $value
 * @return self
public function share( $var_name, $value = null ): self{}

$provider->share('GLOBAL_foo', [$this->injected_dep, 'method']);

 * Set the compile mode
 * @param int $mode 
 * 	Constants
 *	BladeOne::MODE_AUTO, 
 *	BladeOne::MODE_DEBUG, 
 *	BladeOne::MODE_FAST, 
 *	BladeOne::MODE_SLOW
 * @return self
	public function set_mode( int $mode ): self{}


 * Set the file extension for the template files.
 * It must urn self
public function set_file_extension( string $file_extension ): self{}


// Can then be used to pass my.view.php as
$foo->render('my', ['data'=>'foo']);

 * Set the file extension for the compiled files.
 * Including the leading dot for the extension is  $file_extension ): self{}


 * Sets the esc function.
 * @param callable(mixed):string $esc
 * @return self
public function set_esc_function( callable $esc ): self {}


// None static

// As static 
// Using the App's View method to access none static methods on the fly.

// @file /views/template.blade.php

// Using the $this->view_models() method.
{!! $this->view_modes(new View_Model('path.template', ['key' => 'value'])) !!}

// Using the directive
@viewModel(new View_Model('path.template', ['key' => 'value']))

// @file /views/template.blade.php

// Using the $this->component() method.
{!! $this->component(new SomeComponent()) !!}

// Using the directive
@component(new SomeComponent())