PHP code example of pinkcrab / bladeone-engine

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pinkcrab/bladeone-engine library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pinkcrab / bladeone-engine example snippets

// Bootstrap for Perique follows as normal.. 
$app = ( new App_Factory('path/to/project/root') )
   // Rest of setup

class Some_Class {
      public function __construct( View $view ) {
         $this->view = $view;
      public function render_view() {
         return $this->view->render('some.path.view_name', ['data' => 'to pass']);

// Bootstrap for Perique follows as normal..
$app = ( new App_Factory('path/to/project/root') )
   ->module(BladeOne::class, function( BladeOne $blade ) {
      // Module config.
         ->compiled_path('path/to/custom/cache'); // Fluent API for chaining.
      $blade->mode( BladeOne::MODE_DEBUG );

      // BladeOne_Engine config.
      $blade->config( function( BladeOne_Engine $engine  {
         // See all methods below.
            ->directive('test', fn($e) =>'test'); // Fluent API for chaining.
         $engine->allow_pipe( false ); 

      // Ensure you return the instance.
      return $blade;
   // Rest of setup

$app = ( new App_Factory('path/to/project/root') )
   ->module(BladeOne::class, fn( BladeOne $blade ) => $blade
      ->mode( BladeOne::MODE_DEBUG )
      ->config( fn( BladeOne_Engine $engine ) => $engine
         ->directive('test', fn($e) =>'test')
         ->allow_pipe( false )

/** Some Class */
class BladeOneConfig {
   public function __invoke( BladeOne $blade ): BladeOne {
      return $blade
         // The setup.

$app = ( new App_Factory('path/to/project/root') )
   ->module(BladeOne::class, new BladeOneConfig() )

// None static

// As static 


// Or
// Using the App's View method to access none static methods on the fly.

add_action( PinkCrab_BladeOne::SETUP_CONFIG, function( PinkCrab_BladeOne $engine ) {
    $engine->directive( 'my_directive', function( $expression ) {
        return " echo 'Hello World'; 
<p>{{ $data }}</p>