PHP code example of pinimize / laravel-lzf-compresssion

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pinimize/laravel-lzf-compresssion library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pinimize / laravel-lzf-compresssion example snippets

'lzf' => [
    'disk' => env('COMPRESSION_DISK', null),

'compression' => [
    'default' => env('COMPRESSION_DRIVER', 'gzip'),
    'mixin' => env('COMPRESSION_REGISTER_MIXIN', true),
    'drivers' => [
        ... // Other drivers
        'lzf' => [
            'disk' => env('COMPRESSION_DISK', null),

use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Pinimize\Facades\Compression;
use Pinimize\Facades\Decompression;

// When you have made lzf the default driver in your configuration:
$compressedStringZlib = Str::compress($originalString);
$decompressedStringGzip = Str::decompress($compressedStringGzip);

// By specifying the driver:
$compressedStringZlib = Str::compress($originalString, 'lzf');
$decompressedStringGzip = Str::decompress($compressedStringGzip, 'lzf');

// Or with the Storage facade:
Storage::compress('/path/to/original.json', '/path/to/compressed.json.lzf');
Storage::decompress('/path/to/compressed.json.lzf', '/path/to/decompressed.json');

// Compress a string using LZF
$compressed = Compression::driver('lzf')->string('Hello, World!');

// Default driver
$compressed = Compression::string('Hello, World!');
Compression::put('path/to/compressed.csv.lzf', '/path/to/original.csv');
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Pinimize\PinimizeServiceProvider" --tag="config"