PHP code example of pimcore / payment-provider-hobex

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pimcore/payment-provider-hobex library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pimcore / payment-provider-hobex example snippets

     * Payment step of the checkout.
     * This is where the payment widget is initialized and displayed.
     * @Route("/checkout/payment")
     * @param Request $request
    public function payment(Request $request, Factory $factory) {
        $cartManager = $factory->getCartManager();
        $orderManager = $factory->getOrderManager();

        $cart = $cartManager->getCartByName('cart');
        $checkoutManager = Factory::getInstance()->getCheckoutManager($cart);

        $order = $orderManager->getOrCreateOrderFromCart($cart);       

        $requestConfig = new HobexRequest();
        /** @var SnippetResponse $paymentInitResponse */
        $paymentInitResponse = $checkoutManager->startOrderPaymentWithPaymentProvider($requestConfig);

        return $this->renderTemplate('Webshop/Checkout/payment.html.twig', [
            'cart' => $cart,
            'order' => $order,
            'renderedForm' => $paymentInitResponse->getSnippet()
     * Final step of the example payment checkout.
     * This is called then the payment succeeded and the order got confirmed.
     * @Route("/checkout/success")
     * @param Request $request
    public function success(Request $request) {
        // needs some implementation. Typically a success page is rendered.

     * In the payment controller the response from Hobex payments is handled.
     * This action is typically called when the payment succeeded. 
     * @Route("/checkout/payment/result")
     * @param Request $request
    public function result(Request $request, Factory $factory) {

        $cartManager = $factory->getCartManager();
        $orderManager = $factory->getOrderManager();

        $paymentProvider = Factory::getInstance()->getPaymentManager()->getProvider("hobex_testprovider");

        $order = Factory::getInstance()->getCommitOrderProcessor()->handlePaymentResponseAndCommitOrderPayment(

        if ($order->getOrderState() == AbstractOrder::ORDER_STATE_COMMITTED) {
            return $this->redirectToRoute('app_webshop_checkout_success');
        } else {           
            $errorMessage = 'Something wrent wrong with the payment: '.$order->getLastPaymentInfo()->getMessage());
            // error handling ...
            return $this->redirectToRoute('app_webshop_checkout_step1');


     * In the payment controller the webhook response from Hobex payments is handled.
     * @Route("/checkout/payment/webhook")
     * @param Request $request
    public function webhookAction(Request $request){
        $paymentProvider = Factory::getInstance()->getPaymentManager()->getProvider("hobex_testprovider");
        $order = Factory::getInstance()->getCommitOrderProcessor()->handlePaymentResponseAndCommitOrderPayment(
                ['base64Content' => $request->getContent(), 'authTag' => $request->headers->get('x-authentication-tag'),
                 'initVector' => $request->headers->get('x-initialization-vector')],
        return new Response('ok',200);


php bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable PimcorePaymentProviderHobexBundle
php bin/console pimcore:bundle:install PimcorePaymentProviderHobexBundle